Saturday 31 October 2009

Stephen Fry's fans lobby actor not to give up Twitter | Technology | The Observer

Stephen Fry's fans lobby actor not to give up Twitter |
Technology |
The Observer

I can totally agree with Stephen, it might feel like that sometime.

Having networked extensively (in person) across many industries and countries worldwide, IMHO, my observation is this:

*** We cannot be friends with nor agree with everyone! ***

That is why not it is the perception that I network a lot, but in fact, I try my best NOT to meet people or put it another way, ONLY meet with quality people when I can.

As it is NOT pleasant to say no or not to follow up.

It is therefore, my rule to try to understand who someone else is before I approach/get introduced to them and try to see if we connect/understand each other.

Dear Stephen:

However, being a celebrity is a totally different beast, plus having a 'direct' connection/contact with everyone is sadly not physically possible, especially if like Stephens you have close to million followers!

Please do not forget, you also have some normal, respectful and friendly folks (like me with our limited no. of DMs between us.)

Of course it is your decision, but my suggestion is maybe you adopt the strategy of the 'good guy', namely treat people good when they are good to you, and ignore those bad guys until they apologise.. some people might want in their little lives their 'purpose', which might just be trying to be the one to put off a celebrity from using twitter.

I have observed that in various circles..

Our lives' decision should not be decided by a small/minority.. Twitter's transparency does not help. but that is the reason why my personal tweets are private. ;-)

Stephen is very brave.. it is your decision to decide whether to invest further for the rest of the almost million followers of yours (me included!) whatever your choice, we will support you!

Best regards


Thursday 29 October 2009

A Twitter bug and two Facebook viruses are spreading | Technology | Los Angeles Times

A Twitter bug and two Facebook viruses are spreading | Technology | Los Angeles Times

The pervasive web and now more the social media world means the rules are being made, and sadly spammer's paradise..

it will become much worst before it might become better.. by that time, Twitter and facebook might take different form..

may we live in interesting times.


Credit Ratings Now Optional, Firms Find -

Credit Ratings Now Optional, Firms Find -

Time has changed..


This should not be taken lightly..

this might be the start of the slippery slope..

but question is what are the solutions?

Hopefully GamBond® could be one!


peHUB � Private Equity To Tweet, Begrudgingly

� Private Equity To Tweet, Begrudgingly

surely, we gotta have some market leaders in UK/Europe/Asia!??

Twitter is NOT US centric! ;)

"Here is the handful of the buyout pros (or at least deal pros) that I found on Twitter (email me if you know of others):

Rich Lawson of Huntsman Gay - @Rich_Lawson

Buyout firm The Riverside Co.: @theriversideco

UK private equity house Endless LLP has a sporadic account that’s been up since May: @EndlessLLP

UK Consultant and private equity blogger Matthew Craig-Greene is pretty active: @mattcg

Fred Theil of Triton Pacific Capital Partners tweets, but you have to follow him to read them: @fgthiel His colleague Kirk Mitchie tweets here: @KirkMitchie

Partner at Deutsch Inc. and peHUB Vox Populi Contributer Mike Duda: �@mikeduda

Banker Mark Reiboldt, VP at Coker Capital, tweets here: @markreiboldt

The British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association has an account: @BVCA

There’s also Private Equity Jobs listings from @equityjobs

And Greg Needham of NorthShore Capital Advisors, tweets about middle market M&A at @GregWNeedham

And of course, there’s Dan and the peHUB feed: @peHUB, as well as Deborah Gage: @Deborahgage, Alastair Goldfisher: @agoldfisher, and me: @griffitherin"

lessons & what U can do! The End of the Line - 4oD - Channel 4

lessons & what U can do! The End of the Line - 4oD - Channel 4

Totally agree, need to work together to turn back the clock!

Avoid farmed fishes, but eat smaller fishes..

neet to put pressure on governments to help protect.. as only less than 1% of ocean is protected! NEED political power/support.

Consumers need to change eating habits

We need to fix it in our lifetime!

yes, ACT NOW.

Just do it.

1.) Ask before you buy, ONLY eat sustainable seafood

2.) Tell Politicians, Respect the science, cut the fishing fleet

3.) Join the Campaign, for marine protected areas and responsible fishing

Links & suggestions?

Wednesday 21 October 2009

BBC NEWS | Business | Governor warns bank split needed

BBC NEWS | Business | Governor warns bank split needed

Can't agree more!

the present system is broken.

As I mentioned many times before, it is not the 'gears' that need to be better oiled and monitored.

But the Gear Box might need to be changed!

very Brave of Mervyn King, my hero, keen to meet him now, where I had multiple opportunities to do so before.. will now seek him out!

RT @GarethWong: Totally! Mervyn King: bank's delusion telegraph: BoE transcript: BBC:

Thursday 8 October 2009

My GMail password scares me with its power! | :Ben Metcalfe Blog

My GMail password scares me with its power! | :Ben Metcalfe Blog

In fact, it could be worst..

same goes for all the passwords protected a/c.. from banks, to library..

its a big mess, and it needs to be sorted!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Managing high impact/low probability opportunities | The Equity Kicker

Managing high impact/low probability opportunities | The Equity Kicker

Hows your integration of 3i's portfolio going? did you guys acquired the partners also or just the portfolio? good post as ever. @GarethWong

Cool Map: Asia’s Dominant Social Networks - Thomas Crampton

Cool Map: Asia’s Dominant Social Networks - Thomas Crampton

This map is much needed so far..

just hope you can keep up the good work and keep updating it as much as you can!

many thanks

Monday 5 October 2009

Why Dumb Toys Make Kids Smarter - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Why Dumb Toys Make Kids Smarter - Page 1 - The Daily Beast


This is must read article to understand what might 'drives' motivation, for children & in some ways, us, adults!

Saturday 3 October 2009

China celebrates 60 years - The Big Picture -

China celebrates 60 years - The Big Picture -

One of the best selection of great photos!

even better that all on same page, rather than keep having to navigate via tiny virtual buttons..

Brilliant! Must watch!

Thursday 1 October 2009

BBC iPlayer - The Love of Money: The Bank That Bust the World

BBC iPlayer - The Love of Money: The Bank That Bust the World

Don't forget that UK is the best place in the world, I used to and still do love it as there are tonnes of great documentaries,

this is one of the better one in the last year or so.

Do catchup now if you have not seen it!

The interviews are from literally the horeses mouth from ministers to prime ministers etc.!

Brilliant indeed!