Monday 22 February 2010

Comments, real Crux of issue re crisis?? AEI - A Silver Lining to the Financial Crisis

AEI - A Silver Lining to the Financial Crisis

Allister Heath, Editor of CityAM (London's only financial freesheet)'s commentary this morning highlighted the above research, which highlight possible (or real) reasons for the credit crunch, namely the institutions to purchase AAA or AA rated CDOs over other assets..

Its very enlightening..but sadly still does not explain why:

1.) major banks/financial institutions, which all have their own head of risks would not point out or understand the underlying risks of shifting their capital structure in such a fundamental way!?

2.) governments and in fact the whole industry would take the AAA, and AA-rated instruments by its 'face value' when they know full well how these works??

Therefore, sadly, even with tighter regulations or Cash/Capital/outstanding liability ratios does not address this very fundamental question:

** surely, if institutions and Senior board directors take personal responsibilities and medium to long term liaibilities (of course bonuses also) is the way to go.. rather than the typical 3-6years in the rein.

This will cut through the complexity of market structural issues and also what regulations they can adhere to or bypass??

Just a thought (not even re-reading it though), hope it read ok.


my comments re opportunities arisen from: The New App Store Rules: No Swimsuits, No Skin, And No Innuendo

The New App Store Rules: No Swimsuits, No Skin, And No Innuendo

This is ashame, not that it has stopped the red blooded male's wallet from spending money.. but from Apple taking an editorial stand..

It is however as expected, great power comes with great responsibilities, since Apple has control of the technology and pipe from end to end, the risk of anything going wrong is much greater than the possibility of even more revenue.. as managing 'reputational risk' is the most paramount.

This should spell potential opportunity of the Telecoms operators, if you remember the piece of news last week: Mobile phone operators' war on Apple apps - Times Online

Sadly however, too much is at risk and not likely the operators and equipment manufacturers would join forces like they did during the ETSI/GSM days..

but if they did, the world would/could still back become their oysters.. they sadly need some proper leadership..


Sunday 21 February 2010

My comments re: BBC News - PleaseRobMe website reveals dangers of social networks

BBC News - PleaseRobMe website reveals dangers of social networks

This is indeed VERY serious..

and reason why I observed twitter one year before I started it using it by end of 2008.. and still my twitter feed is private...

4square is a good system, but once again, there is security issues, which is highlighted superficially by this Rob me app.

Key power lies within a future application where people can just observe, rip more information from multiple sources and collate it and maybe use some human intelligence, it can actually be done now.

or in fact CREATE situation which get the whole family out, like the #Real Hustle# program on BBC..

people should bear in mind the power but also danger of the reasonably transparent social networks..

In short, Would you be shouting loud or even raise your voice in the pub/wine bar/even private members club your whereabout?? or your family member's where about?

Bear that in mind.

Be safe out there.


Friday 19 February 2010

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - Exclusive - A Traveller By Any Other Name - Channel 4

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - Exclusive - A Traveller By Any Other Name - Channel 4

Must read to learn more about gypsy.. great things/culture they have.. respect is key and indeed what most our societies worldwide must need now!


Thursday 18 February 2010

Intellectual 'vutures' or 'ventures'? Investment Firm Hopes to Turn Patents Into Invention Capital Market -

Investment Firm Hopes to Turn Patents Into Invention Capital Market -

This is very interesting indeed.

I think if their goals are more equitable, namely 'balancing' the power between corporate that uses patents to make things/services, and designers so that they are treated as 'ventures'.. and create a sustainable model.

seems to me it is still very much 'deal' focused, rolle them up, sell them on..

which as we have seen from the capital market, is well, too short term focused now!


Tuesday 16 February 2010

Former richest man of China is charged with financial crimes - Business News, Business - The Independent

Former richest man of China is charged with financial crimes -
Business News, Business - The Independent

Sincerely hope that the search for 'balance' means that if there is indeed a crack down on bribery and crime like these alleged ones, a totally independent likes of Hong Kong's ICAC ..

until then, my suggestion is to be successful in China but be mindful of all the other environmental challenges & stake holder's point of view..

its a Win-win search.. but being a smooth operator & can get to know where the wind is blowing is key..

but don't forget, even the revered Deng.. was in jail ..

At least you know that you have 'made it'..

May year of Tiger bring you prosperity and success.


Does Social Sell?

Does Social Sell?

my gut feel is that it does not.

too tired to read above article.. seems a bit long.

key is that depends on culture/industry/products.. personally, I think it does not add much value.. as everyone is an individual.. however, based on education (or lack of) and social proof/pressure, social selling works.. look at insurance or products/services sell via MLM.. or agents..

sadly, in the world where most consumers still do NOT transact on internet/mobile etc. and privacy still a major issue.. it does not translate well.

follower or shallow 'friends' does not induce further confidence than meeting any body from a pub/bar. do you trust any of them and open your wallet??

I don't think so.

Mobile phone operators' war on Apple apps - Times Online

Mobile phone operators' war on Apple apps - Times Online

This is very important, but sadly since the success of ETSI/GSM standards.. mobile/telecoms industry has since been too much about starting/owning a standards that others would subscribe to.. sadly unless one is China or Apple.. most would not be successful.

Hope that this is not the case though, as I would support any viable solutions to Mac.

fingers crossed that I don't need to buy any/all apple mac in the future!


Thursday 11 February 2010

Why follow? Create your own rules! China Mobile puts three million RF SIMs into production • Near Field Communications World

China Mobile puts three million RF SIMs into production • Near Field Communications World

This is just typical of China (can you blame them!? I would do the same)

given the scale of the market, why follow the crowd and play by the rule? CREATE your own rule and IP.. when you have scale and time and patience of the market, economy of scale will achieve quicker AND the rest of the world will follow..

kind of a 'concious' formation of Qualcomm, but for all sectors that China can play in..

Brilliant strategy!

I want a piece of that!


Wednesday 10 February 2010

Blogging Innovation: 10 Simple Ways to Stay Connected - Innovation blog articles, videos, and insights

Blogging Innovation: 10 Simple Ways to Stay Connected - Innovation blog articles, videos, and insights

good list.

I do that on a daily basis..

but one thing I would like to highlight is that NOTHING, no technology, linkedin/facebook/twitter etc. can replace or even come close to how we human establish, maintain and gain trust which really what 'networking' and 'relationships' building is about.

Glad that you have put down lunch, and calls, as part of the lists..

good job. ;)


Tuesday 9 February 2010

The World's Best Places to Live 2009: - BusinessWeek

The World's Best Places to Live 2009: - BusinessWeek

Looks like we all have to move to Vienna

No. 1: Vienna, Austria

If the research is to believe in.

not sure if its any good for senior guys in finance/insurance/re-insurance world...

I wonder.

Sara Ziff talks to Louise France about the world of teen modelling | Life and style | The Observer

Sara Ziff talks to Louise France about the world of teen modelling |
Life and style |
The Observer

only saw a bit of it, but re-confirmed everything I would have expect.. no easy bucks and tonnes of potentially dodgy people who might be exploiting the system.. as greed and non-transparency would..

and help if you can.

people, esp. kids need to be realistic. . future is not only skin deep.

should search on 4oD to watch it properly.. if I remember.

Social media events need less talking and more doing | Opinion | New Media Age

Social media events need less talking and more doing | Opinion | New Media Age

comments I made:

Its great that you guys are all doing this, but sadly barrier to entry of 'organising' is low.. it all depends on quality of people and insights (and whether it wld be shared)..

It would be great if we have some visibility of which 140 event is really 'must attend' and also if you guys (NMA? RepOnline?) can curate a 'who's who' list..

I am not just talking about numbers of followers.. but specific tasks (either as job, or self appointed responsibilities ).. and also key guys/girls who are leading from business sector(s) and agency/advisors point of view..

that would help and also drives tonnes of traffic to your site.

hopefully win-win-win.

sadly I have not been to many social media events now (most I tried once at least)..




Friday 5 February 2010

real potential danger for 'twestival'? Gatecrashers invade �1m Kingston house for boy's Facebook party | News

Gatecrashers invade �1m Kingston house for boy's Facebook party | News

Joking aside, this is truely terrible story..

which highlights danger of 'too much transparency' or 'free invite to all'.. yes, the kid should have thought it through before sending out a 'general' invite..

but, hey even now some adults are organising 'free for all' events on social networks like Facebook, twitter etc.

I personally see it poses great opportunities of making a difference.. but as this story shows, security and safety could really become a major issue, the more transparent a network maybe.

Is there easy way to ensure security??

Twitter ID? kind of verified ID per individual user? hhmm.. we need a viable solution sooner, rather than later!! / Media - Doubt cast on survival of EMI / Media - Doubt cast on survival of EMI

This is a tough one.. when PE owner put so much debt to 'capitalise' on the cash flow of a business.. and the music industry's cash flow has not been great even with new focus of live performances..

It is inevitable that the debt and ownerships of the company will be restructured.. just wonder who will come out on top!

Key is that the market will re-adjust.. and hopefully EMI will still be around in some shape or form.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Sir Cameron Mackintosh's theatres to stay open for ever - Times Online

Sir Cameron Mackintosh's theatres to stay open for ever - Times Online: "Sir Cameron Mackintosh's theatres to stay open for ever"

Sincerely hope Andrew Lloyd Webber will step up to the plate and put MORE back..

time will tell!


Monday 1 February 2010

Stunning colour film of 1920s London… � How to be a Retronaut

Stunning colour film of 1920s London… � How to be a Retronaut

This is brilliant

thanks Sean for sharing this on Twitter..

more details via link above.. if you cannot wait, click on the video below: