Sunday 21 February 2010

My comments re: BBC News - PleaseRobMe website reveals dangers of social networks

BBC News - PleaseRobMe website reveals dangers of social networks

This is indeed VERY serious..

and reason why I observed twitter one year before I started it using it by end of 2008.. and still my twitter feed is private...

4square is a good system, but once again, there is security issues, which is highlighted superficially by this Rob me app.

Key power lies within a future application where people can just observe, rip more information from multiple sources and collate it and maybe use some human intelligence, it can actually be done now.

or in fact CREATE situation which get the whole family out, like the #Real Hustle# program on BBC..

people should bear in mind the power but also danger of the reasonably transparent social networks..

In short, Would you be shouting loud or even raise your voice in the pub/wine bar/even private members club your whereabout?? or your family member's where about?

Bear that in mind.

Be safe out there.


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