Sunday 18 August 2013

My comments re Five dangers the internet poses to a sustainable world | Guardian Sustainable Business |

Five dangers the internet poses to a sustainable world | Guardian Sustainable Business |

so glad to have this post.

My analogy would be to have a swiss army knife, or a tool box, they can be used for both good, or bad. Key is to have a 'reason' and goal/solution in mind.

Sadly most internet enterprises (investment bankers & even public market included) & entrepreneurs are about buying and selling (themselves, companies, other people, or what they don't have), we need much more 'value creating' enterprises, whether it is on or offline.

IMHO, our world's mad chase for profit and 'efficiency' might be mutually exclusive against a sustainable future, people, enterprises & governments (& world organisations) need to think past "the now" and really invest for the future. Who dare and can stand out & lead us all by actions and not by words only?

good luck to us all.


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