Thursday 20 August 2009

Is it fair? Besieged by attacks, AT&T dumps celebrity hacker • The Register

Besieged by attacks, AT&T dumps celebrity hacker • The Register

In short, can't blame the AT&Ts.. or can you?

We as normal consumers and business users never realised that in fact we are ALWAYS vulnerable.. if you have not read Kevin Mitnick's book, you should, as it highlights the most important/challenge is in fact that we as an individual could be at fault.

How we leave sensitive paper work, speak/leak information to presumably trustworthy individuals.. etc.

Kevin should also be able to use some B2B service providers rather than B2C companies who generally cannot deal with the kind of 'hacking' going on.. B2B companies should like the hacker world see that as a 'call for challenge' also, and hopefully from our sake, the B2B world will win!?

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