Saturday 22 August 2009

My comments on Extroversion


you are very brave.
Pioneers generally are.

I have not come across you until I started using Twitter (a yr after I created the a/c in 08) as I never read any blogs (was a not so entrepreneurial corporate telecom guy).. It is a balancing act, but really depends on who the writer is, their work and their likely extravert lifestream's impact might have on their job/common perception of them. I have just started to be cautiously opened on twitter & facebook (doing pretting much same thing) but update on my works/tribulations/challenges and people I meet around the world.

It has given more transparency and in some ways helps when to establish contacts with some key guys and vice versa.

However, I am also dreading that it might become a 'chore' and my life might be too 'opened' up, professionally (I try to keep all family stuff private, unless for specific friends/industry colleagues after many years, y. very old school)..

My gut feel is that brave pioneers like you at the top of the profession is the exception, rather than the norm. but thankfully with likes of twitter etc. we can filter the normal/mundane out comparatively easily to find some limited Gems..

keep up the good work and sharing of insights,

role model for some of us, but sadly I still have NO time as an entrepreneur to share insights via original blog posts.. .. yet.

Belated happy birthday. (e.g. another example, I try to keep my birthday private also!)


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