Thursday, 31 March 2011
Great to see creativity and social enterprise alive & well in Hong Kong. YouTube - Nokia E7 Smartphone - HK Honey
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
My comments re Entrepreneur friendly Britain « The Equity Kicker
there is also likes of http://www.newentrepreneursfou...
don't forget the multitude of networks and events..
Question is that will we have more quality entrepreneurs (present & future) to rise up for the challenges & opportunities.. certainly hope so, as we need everyone to chip in to create great companies and build up economies and not just a lot of noise & no substances.. we need endurance runners not people that are after 5/15min of fame across the whole value chain.
now back to work (for me).
short comments of how 'power corrupts'.. do we need 2use F** in business environment?? The Lean VC, Global Edition (March 2011, London)

Tuesday, 29 March 2011
YouTube - "As One" - 10 year old Aiyana-Lee sings for Japan - Play for Japan #play4jpn
Julia Mills on SkyNews below to help raise awareness of the Japan Society Earthquake fund:
Criminals Look Different From Noncriminals | Psychology Today
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
JIANG GUO FANG 姜國芳, one of my favourite Chinese artist
In short, live to 'excel' & not stop. I agree. Japan, Libya, and Why Leaders Should be Paranoid - Rosabeth Moss Kanter - Harvard Business Review
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
LinkedIn crosses 100m member mark, proving the recession is not bad for everyone [infographic] | The Wall Blog
Turkey becoming key business gateway also? Turkey, the EU and the Mediterranean uprisings | Czech Position
"Grandfather of Allergy" Dr. William Frankland, A life in Allergy :: The Anaphylaxis Campaign
Dr. A.W.Frankland – “A Life in Allergy” – Part 1
Celebrating a Century of Progress in Allergy
A film celebrating the centenary of the only cure for allergies and the life and work Dr William Frankland – the UK’s oldest serving doctor, has been produced by Dr Sophie Farooque, who was the UK’s first allergy trainee and is now the country’s first allergy consultant to have been an allergy trainee. The film will be shown at the 2011 BSACI Annual Meeting on July 11th.
Another article courtesy of BMA (pdf):
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Will it work? luxury+social media.. same target audience??Neiman Marcus challenges in-store customers to earn mobile game rewards -Luxury Daily-Mobile
The partnership between Neiman Marcus and Scvngr is an example of how a luxury brand can be an innovative leader in the retail industry by leveraging a social game.
Incorporating the interactive game with the retailer’s Big Night Out campaign creates a stronger community engagement.
“Scvngr has over a million players nationwide and we liked the idea of interacting and engaging with a new audience,” Ms. Gierhart said. “We believe that the digital- and mobile-based program Scvngr developed will appeal to this customer by creating a fun and interactive shopping experience.”"
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Help our friends in OTSUCHI prefecture Japan Society of the UK - Make a Donation to the Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund, help local people
They were unable to contact any of them for several days and they are still missing a cousin and an aunt. Luckily, the majority of their family seem to have escaped, although they are now suffering food, water and heat shortages and have lost their houses.
If you, or anyone you know, would like to donate, it would be mush appreciated. If in the "claim gift aid" section you write OTSUCHI, the money will go directly to a local charity in my friend's mother's hometown.
Also, one of Jetro's clients emailed this morning to say that if "Friend of Intralink" is put in this box, they will match donations up to a total of £10,000.
This is totally understandable and necessary, but the problem is that this seems to be the main charity that British people are donating to, thinking their money is going to Japan but it may not. This is why they support the Japan Society.
Rescue workers amidst the rubble as they picked their way through the shattered city of Otsuchi.
A ship is seen perched on top of a house in the tsunami devastated remains of Otsuchi, Iwate prefecture.
Brilliant insights shared by Lord Turner, FSA Chair, but 2keyPt?? Leverage, Maturity Transformation & Financial Stability: Challenges Beyond Basel III
Last year we agreed a major reform of bank capital and liquidity standards – Basel III.
This year the Financial Stability Board will decide measures to address problems created by systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) – by banks seen in the past as ‘too big to fail’.
These changes will make a major difference..."
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
How much do you know about Facebook Photos? [infographic]
How much do you know about Facebook Photos? [infographic]
Read more:
"A great infographic giving a a breakdown of the phenomenon that is Facebook photos. A few quick takeouts for you:
- *There will be 100 billion photos on Facebook by Summer 2011
- *6 billion photos are uploaded each month
- *Over 750 million photos were posted on Facebook globally during new years eve weekend
- *40% more photos are uploaded on the weekend than during the week
- *The most photos out of any day in the week are uploaded to Facebook on Sunday
- *Women upload and tag 2X more photos to Facebook than men
- *Older users upload as much as younger users BUT they tag less"
Read more:
Earthquake Losses May Be Limited for Japanese Non-Life Insurance Providers - Bloomberg
MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings (8725) Inc., Tokio Marine Holdings Inc. (8766) and NKSJ Holdings Inc. (8630), the three-biggest non-life insurers, may have 20 billion yen ($250 million) to 80 billion yen each in commercial losses, according to Keefe Bruyette & Woods Inc. The three have set aside about 88 percent of their 593.2 billion yen maximum liability, Fitch Ratings said."
Monday, 14 March 2011
how to prepare for any diaster, quiz your knowlege about earthquake.. get prepared a 'go-bag' & person/family safety procedures now!
How to Prepare for Any Disaster
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
high res photos of Earthquake rocks Japan -
Nice one, so, "what do Finns associate with sex" then?? I wonder. / FT Magazine - Don’t touch me, I’m British
Nor are Britons permitted to make eye contact: the former French prime minister Edith Cresson, disconcerted that British men didn’t look at her, estimated that one in four was homosexual. No wonder Britons drink ever-increasing amounts of alcohol. Alcohol was first distilled so that British people could reproduce.
Latins are luckier. They can touch and talk to strangers even when sober. But they, too, follow one ground rule shared by the French, Americans and British: they only get naked with people of the opposite gender in sexual situations."
Japan's latest earthquake is 5th biggest since 1900! Magnitude 8 and Greater Earthquakes Since 1900
1. 1960-05-22 19:11 -38.29 -73.05 9.5 1,655 Chile
2. 1964-03-28 03:36 61.02 -147.65 9.2 125 Prince William Sound, Alaska
3. 2004-12-26 00:58 3.295 95.982 9.1 227,898 off the west coast of northern Sumatra
4. 1952-11-04 16:58 52.76 160.06 9.0 Kamchatka, Russia
5. 2010-02-27 06:34:14 -35.846 -72.719 8.8 Offshore Maule, Chile"
Must watch series if UR in UK: Civilization: Is the West History? - 4oD - Channel 4
In 1683 the Ottoman army laid siege to Vienna, the capital of Europe's most powerful empire. Domination of East over West was an alarmingly plausible scenario. But Islam was defeated: not…
Next Episode: Sun 13 Mar, 8pm on Channel 4
In this series, I want to show that what distinguished the West from the Rest - the mainsprings of global power - were six identifiably novel complexes of ideas and behaviours. For the sake of simplicity, I summarise them under six headings:
1. Competition
2. Science
3. The Rule of Law
4. Medicine
5. Consumerism
6. The Work Ethic
To use the language of today's computerised, synchronised world, these were the six 'killer applications' - the killer apps - that allowed a minority of mankind originating on the western edge of Eurasia to dominate the world for the better part of 500 years.
Now, before you indignantly write to me objecting that I have missed out some crucial aspect of Western ascendancy, like capitalism or freedom or democracy, or for that matter guns, germs and steel, please read the following brief definitions:
1. Competition - a decentralisation of both political and economic life, which created the launch-pad for capitalism;
2. Science - a way of studying, understanding and ultimately changing the natural world, which gave the West (among other things) a major military advantage over the Rest;
3. The Rule of Law - a cumulative model for peacefully resolving disputes between individuals over property which formed the basis for the most stable form of representative government;
4. Medicine - a branch of science which allowed a major improvement in health and life expectancy, beginning in Western societies, but also in their colonies;
5. The Consumer Society - a mode of material living in which the production and purchase of clothing plays a central economic role, without which the Industrial Revolution would have been unsustainable;
6. The Work Ethic - a moral framework and mode of activity derived from Protestant Christianity that provides the glue for the dynamic and potentially unstable society created by apps 1 to 5, above.
Make no mistake - this is not another self-satisfied version of 'The Triumph of the West'. I want to show that it was not just Western superiority that led to the conquest and colonisation of so much of the rest of the world; it was also the fortuitous weakness of the West's rivals.
In the 1640s, for example, a combination of fiscal and monetary crisis, climate change and epidemic disease unleashed rebellion and the final crisis of the Ming dynasty. This had nothing to do with the West.
Likewise, the political and military decline of the Ottoman Empire was internally driven more than it was externally imposed. North American political institutions flourished as South America's festered, but Simon Bolivar's failure to create a Latin American United States was not the gringo's fault.
The critical point is that the differential between the West and the Rest was institutional. Western Europe overtook China partly because in the West there was more competition in both the political and the economic spheres. Austria, Prussia and latterly even Russia became more effective administratively and militarily because the seventeenth-century Scientific Revolution happened in the Christian but not in the Muslim world. The reason North America's ex-colonies did so much better than South America's was because British settlers established a completely different system of property rights and political representation in the North from those built by Spaniards and Portuguese in the South. European empires were able to penetrate Africa not just because they had the Maxim gun; they also devised vaccines against tropical diseases which African societies were just as powerless against.
In the same way, the earlier industrialisation of the West reflected institutional advantages - the possibility of a mass consumer society existed in the British Isles before the advent of steam power. Even after industrial technology was almost universally available, the differential between the West and the Rest persisted; indeed, it grew wider. With wholly standardised cotton spinning and weaving machinery, the European and North American worker was still able to work more productively, and his capitalist employer to accumulate wealth more rapidly, than their Oriental counterparts. This series is about all these differences. About why they existed and why they mattered so much.
This is an excerpt from the book Civilization: The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson. Click here to find out more
Thursday, 10 March 2011
26yrs old guy forced on operating table to sell kidney in China, 26岁小伙违法卖肾入狼窝 被强行推上手术台_资讯频道_凤凰网
this guy has no able hands, using feet to write, cook, make money (not been to school either!) 【拍客】中国阿甘的故事(一) - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Great selection, particularly Data Backup 5 Free BlackBerry Apps for Business
If you just want to save every piece of information on your BlackBerry without bothering with automated reports or updates, DataBackup is the simple solution. With a couple clicks you can save all your contacts, pictures, documents, etc. onto an SD card. While it doesn’t have a high-tech cloud saving system, sometimes having a physical backup can provide a little more peace of mind. You’ll have to get that SD card on your own though, so make sure you have it installed before you try to save anything."
Subway beaten.. McDonald's No Longer Biggest Restaurant Chain - Yahoo! Lifestyle UK
The international presence of some other fast food giants:
KFC: 20,200 locations worldwide in 109 countries
Starbucks: 17,009 locations in 50 countries
Pizza Hut: 13,100 locations in 97 countries
Burger King: 12,100 locations around the world"
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
My short comments re Failure to manage JV biggest risk of year, says William Hill | eGaming Review
Monday, 7 March 2011
Sunday, 6 March 2011
speed tests very sad speed of a 8Mb/s line.. only 0.72Mb/s !!!?? incredible!
Must read for Entrepreneurs' Relief: make sure you qualify - Advice & Guides :: Real Business - News & advice for business people
The June 2010 Budget introduced an 'actual' ten per cent rate of tax, which is applied to the gain qualifying for Entrepreneurs' Relief. While for many this change will not make a difference, for some it can have a significant effect:"
despite this might be a bit populist, no doubt thought process would be brilliant! Niall Ferguson: why the West is now in decline - Telegraph
To use the language of today’s computerised, synchronised world, these were the six killer applications – the killer apps – that allowed a minority of mankind originating on the western edge of Eurasia to dominate the world for the better part of 500 years.
This is of more than purely historical interest. For it is only by identifying the causes of Western ascendancy that we can hope to estimate with any degree of accuracy the imminence of our fall.
My conclusion is that we are already living through the twilight of Western predominance. But that is not just because most of the Rest have now downloaded all or nearly all of our killer apps. It is also because we ourselves have lost faith in our own civilisation."
Brain food, & good cholesterol means English breakfast 'stays' on my menu! ;) Why eggs are back on the menu
Eggs are a brain food, as they are one of the richest sources of choline, needed for healthy brain development and function. The yolk from a medium sized egg contains around 300mg of choline.
Most of the choline we need comes from our diet. It is used by the body to form the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, involved in memory function.
Low levels of choline can lead to a deficiency in folic acid, also important for a healthy brain. Choline plays an important role in the brain development of the unborn child and also helps prevent birth defects."