make sense.. or just get our butts off the couch and simply jump around.. !?
Monday, 30 December 2013
make sense.. or just get our butts off the couch and simply jump around.. !? The Commercial Break Workout Keeps You Fit While Watching TV
The Commercial Break Workout Keeps You Fit While Watching TV:
make sense.. or just get our butts off the couch and simply jump around.. !?
make sense.. or just get our butts off the couch and simply jump around.. !?
Saturday, 21 December 2013
My short blog re: Using copyright to keep repair manuals secret undermines circular economy | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional
Using copyright to keep repair manuals secret undermines circular economy | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional:
Good points raised Kyle, but of course some might argue that you might be slightly biased.. ;-)
In all seriousness though, as pointed out eloquently by @GeorgeMonbiot 's must read article on consumerism: "Materialism: a system that eats us from the inside out" in @guardian just last week, our world economy is too much geared for "growth at all costs".. sadly but understandably, firms are trying to ensure people 'buy' more and 'fixing' things are sadly is against the present market's DNA..
Unless of course if consumers ask the right question(s) and look for 'alternatives'..
For example, for those who can afford the bags that are 'guaranteed' for life, like Bally, Tumi, Briggs & Riley etc. they can easily be 'fixed' by the vendor! However, sadly most find them too expensive..
Equally, from gadgetry to white goods, we need more viable 'choices' and more brands and manufacturers (not only exclusive ones) that create products that lasts.. and can be fixed by ourselves or by experts.
I would like to assert that what our world desperately needs therefore are products that are "Designed and Built TO LAST.." hopefully still affordable and make economic sense in the long run.
Will this become a reality? or have we past the point of no return, I wonder. I certainly hope its the former!
Good points raised Kyle, but of course some might argue that you might be slightly biased.. ;-)
In all seriousness though, as pointed out eloquently by @GeorgeMonbiot 's must read article on consumerism: "Materialism: a system that eats us from the inside out" in @guardian just last week, our world economy is too much geared for "growth at all costs".. sadly but understandably, firms are trying to ensure people 'buy' more and 'fixing' things are sadly is against the present market's DNA..
Unless of course if consumers ask the right question(s) and look for 'alternatives'..
For example, for those who can afford the bags that are 'guaranteed' for life, like Bally, Tumi, Briggs & Riley etc. they can easily be 'fixed' by the vendor! However, sadly most find them too expensive..
Equally, from gadgetry to white goods, we need more viable 'choices' and more brands and manufacturers (not only exclusive ones) that create products that lasts.. and can be fixed by ourselves or by experts.
I would like to assert that what our world desperately needs therefore are products that are "Designed and Built TO LAST.." hopefully still affordable and make economic sense in the long run.
Will this become a reality? or have we past the point of no return, I wonder. I certainly hope its the former!
Saturday, 14 December 2013
My blog comments re Doug Richard: Hong Kong is Asia's premier start-up hub - Telegraph
Doug Richard: Hong Kong is Asia's premier start-up hub - Telegraph: "Hong Kong is acknowledged as one of the world’s smart cities, with its excellent ICT infrastructure, transportation, health care and governance systems. These are the foundations that are fast accelerating its appeal for international startups and entrepreneurs looking for a base that can offer a launch pad for international expansion.
My Comments:
'As a biased Hong Kong born & raised entrepreneur, I would say we have only 50/50 chance to ensure a thriving HKG past 2047, hence my last blog/comments ("We need a visionary to lead a new "#TheFutureHKG" initiative, repositioning HKG past 2047! "
Hong Kong is well positioned. but the situation between Singapore and Hong Kong is now reverse (compare to the 80s), plus anything past 2047 will be uncertain, thus this provide further challenges for firms that are seriously planning to build products/services rather than building something for short term exit.
It is easy for proponents for the entrepreneurship (gold rush movement) to talk about startups based on InvestHK 's initiative (great work, btw, anything helps!), one need to think back, Chinese, especially Hong Kong/southern China Chinese are very entrepreneurial already, works hard, just need ideas/encouragement to take the plunge..
Key success for new HKG startups is to think longer term (rather than short term exits), and also think nationally (in china) and regionally, as the Hong Kong market is sadly too small. Being able to harness the present industries is also a major niche that entrepreneurs can easily tap into, sadly not easily done by fresh graduates that are following the gold rush and have not much experiences...
Eitherway, Hong Kong and china is so unique that as Chinese guru (@martjacques has mentioned multiple times, China (HKG) is unique and need a different/unique model, and no westerners would know what is 'right' for China.. I would argue that it is the same for the entrepreneurial/startup community of Hong Kong. We just need to work together to help nuture the future HKG regional Baidu etc.
My Comments:
'As a biased Hong Kong born & raised entrepreneur, I would say we have only 50/50 chance to ensure a thriving HKG past 2047, hence my last blog/comments ("We need a visionary to lead a new "#TheFutureHKG" initiative, repositioning HKG past 2047! "
Hong Kong is well positioned. but the situation between Singapore and Hong Kong is now reverse (compare to the 80s), plus anything past 2047 will be uncertain, thus this provide further challenges for firms that are seriously planning to build products/services rather than building something for short term exit.
It is easy for proponents for the entrepreneurship (gold rush movement) to talk about startups based on InvestHK 's initiative (great work, btw, anything helps!), one need to think back, Chinese, especially Hong Kong/southern China Chinese are very entrepreneurial already, works hard, just need ideas/encouragement to take the plunge..
Key success for new HKG startups is to think longer term (rather than short term exits), and also think nationally (in china) and regionally, as the Hong Kong market is sadly too small. Being able to harness the present industries is also a major niche that entrepreneurs can easily tap into, sadly not easily done by fresh graduates that are following the gold rush and have not much experiences...
Eitherway, Hong Kong and china is so unique that as Chinese guru (@martjacques has mentioned multiple times, China (HKG) is unique and need a different/unique model, and no westerners would know what is 'right' for China.. I would argue that it is the same for the entrepreneurial/startup community of Hong Kong. We just need to work together to help nuture the future HKG regional Baidu etc.
good luck to all of us!
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Yes & more no. my comments re The problem of the financial sector is institutional amorality | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional
The problem of the financial sector is institutional amorality | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional:
I agree with your logic but sadly if you were to rely on politicians and political system to fix the world (especially finance), then sadly you are way off mark.
FACT: no one country can legislate for the world. Even if we do the right thing in UK does not mean we can fix the financial world, capital market is just too inter-connected internationally now, especially for London/UK.
I would recommend you & other readers to the book "Winner-Take-All Politics" by Paul Pierson and Jacob Hacker.. Whitehall is not like the white-house but we have seen how lobbyist/think tank/foundations work the world over..
If politicians and regulators can really fix things, simple question: 5 years since the credit crunch, why is Lehman Brothers still around (@CNNMoney 16Sep13 Surprise! Lehman Brothers is still big ) and JP Morgan only just been fined $13bn (half of their annual profit), and was JP the lone wolf??
IMHO, this is sadly only the beginning (yes after five years). Surely the elephant in the room: how come no one dare to say publicly what really went wrong and most importantly how to fix it.. !
Salaries and bonuses need to be considered in the wider context of corporate governance and better reporting (yes it is complex), many great initiatives like Tomorrow's Company and the newly launched Integrated reporting does help to address the key issues and encourage firms to "do the right thing", but unless and until EVERYFIRM (government included) does it, sadly it would still fail. As it would be like finding and celebrating Naomi campbell as the fist/best black super model, it is 2013 now and we only see Naomi and Tyra banks (apparently most job still go to white models)! What we need is ways to instigate an effective DNA changing Good-Rus (vs Virus) and change the world's value chain.. and their goals so everyone start thinking AND acting long, and investing into 'empowering innovations' (pls see below).
Ultimately the challenge is rather complex and I agree that it involves finance, politics and indeed morality, and IMHO indeed everyone of us (talk is cheap but action is now needed!). We cannot rely on 'others' to make sense for us nor can we just do another 'occupy' movement to raise the agenda.. as the world need not more questions and dispatches/panorama exposes.. but stupid simple and viable solutions and concrete actions.
I would argue that investment is not only political, it is in fact personal, the days that "blind trusting" the institution or the market and/or government is sadly long gone. Your institutional amorality point is sadly too 'one sided' and simplistic, I would argue that it is in fact market-wide and financial value chain-issue, which every part of the value chain need to challenge their own thought process/goals. All these were succinctly summarised by Prof Clay Christensen's talk and slide: in essence market is now shifted toward 'keeping/playing money' in the [efficiency innovation mode] rather than investing further in innovations that create things and jobs ; [empowering innovation mode].
(I've been meaning to put down my solution/reply to Prof.Clay's slide, if you guys are interested, ping me, might want to do a blog post if/when I have time)
What do I know? best to learn from another top professor and industry mogul: I would recommend you and others to read (no doubt you have already) two more books: 1) Prof Colin Meyer's Firm Commitment & 2.) The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation Hardcover by John C. Bogle (rent seeking vs value adding)
Time-horizon is key, you elude to tenure of junior investment staffs, however, same goes for pension fund managers/trustees and even family/charitable foundations. Do they in fact have any choice? Given the interconnected/inter-dependent systemically linked finance world now, plus the blind chase of 'growth' means that despite many pension funds only wanted a single digit growth investment option for 50 years, they have no option but to invest short term! Everyone is talking about exit and IPOs but forget key is making a long term viable and hopefully profitable business that does something (surely this is much more important than hype/party/news and paper worth)?
My conclusion? the financial world need to augment the value chain and its DNA, it needs to do things in such a way that it would be "stupid simple" and same across the world (as it is too complex now across different jurisdictions, before looking at the instruments!) In short Gear box change rather than changing oil and gears (& monitor better).
Yes we are stuck but lets get out and do something impactful. ONLY relying on political change/help would be a grave mistake.
Friday, 8 November 2013
My comments re: It's pointless blaming brands for state world is in today, consumers can use their wallets to create change. Agree?
(@Guardian It's pointless blaming brands for state world is in today, consumers can use their wallets to create change. Agree?
Totally, consumer can take a big role... but being informed, and able to make the right decision is NOT easy!
Sadly in our international & interconnected world, most would not have the time to adopt an inquisitorial mindset as reliable information/data is sadly scarce unless there is a MAJOR cahnge to our world's financial and supply chain DNA.
FACT: there is no one country can legislate for the world, and providing wrong/bad/mis-leading data does not affect powerful firm's bottom line (rightaway anyway). there are only handful of great firms that has the foresight and GRIT to be able to take long and difficult decisions..
Therefore, answer is yes but with caveats that consumers can take an active role to
1.) Ask the inquisitorial questions
2.) any answers are pre-qualified (Any wrong information provided must mean financial or other consequences)
3.) total transparent culture (not only done by one firm but by all.. )
Reason why it is not easy/simple tasks (yes we will still be talking about this in the next 5-10years, mark my words):
Most supply chain issues are so complex that there is no easy way but to invest time/energy to understand the WHOLE chain..
A.) from the UK energy supplier price hike, see RT @GarethWong: Must watch @C4Dispatches Energy Bills Exposed on @4oD at @Channel4 With lack of choice, not much we can do!
B.) To the latest palm oil report, what can consumers do?? try not to buy anything with Palm Oil? no more Nutella and in fact most goods in the supermarket! (sadly not a choice most consumers would take!) see more below:
RT @GarethWong: @Guardian Major palm oil Co.accused of breaking ethical promises @po_st ignoring Comm.rights
: @ForestPeoplesP conflict or consent pdf report on palm oil
( Would anyone want to spent 1-2hours to read up!? )
good to talk though for sure.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
We need a visionary to lead a new "#TheFutureHKG" initiative, repositioning HKG past 2047! comments re Shanghai free-trade zone will hit Hong Kong quicker than expected, says Li Ka-shing | South China Morning Post
Shanghai free-trade zone will hit Hong Kong quicker than expected, says Li Ka-shing | South China Morning Post:
Mr. Li is right, understandably, as he and his family own most of the key industries. It is brilliant that he is giving his words that he is not leaving.
As a indigenous Hong Kong people, I am alarmed to see we have taken on worst of democracy (bickering for the sake of it) and having sadly lost international mind share to Singapore (I still remember they were "trying" to over take HK).
Do bear in mind we have a deadline of 2047 where Future existence of Hong Kong as a key trade hub will be in jeopardy if EVERYONE DO NOT work towards a common goal.
I would like to therefore challenge Mr. Li & others to work together, joining forces/resources and money to re-position HKG as the creative/intellectual/business hub for the region and hopefully for the world.
We will need Vision, Tenacity, hopefully with the support of a bi-partisan and ideally strong government.
IMHO, with so many billionaires, JPs and Multi-nationals asset at stake (in HKG), creating and carrying out a plan and get it funded should be done outside of the government and adopt the "JUST do it" approach.
We have everything in Hong Kong, culture, food, 'network density', hopefully still hard working people that we have grown up loving (we might talk loud but that's the language's fault!)
Now, someone come out and LEAD please!
if I have time, I shall blog more about this on:
Wish us all luck and greater success (after some hard work) for TheFuture of Hong Kong!
Mr. Li is right, understandably, as he and his family own most of the key industries. It is brilliant that he is giving his words that he is not leaving.
As a indigenous Hong Kong people, I am alarmed to see we have taken on worst of democracy (bickering for the sake of it) and having sadly lost international mind share to Singapore (I still remember they were "trying" to over take HK).
Do bear in mind we have a deadline of 2047 where Future existence of Hong Kong as a key trade hub will be in jeopardy if EVERYONE DO NOT work towards a common goal.
I would like to therefore challenge Mr. Li & others to work together, joining forces/resources and money to re-position HKG as the creative/intellectual/business hub for the region and hopefully for the world.
We will need Vision, Tenacity, hopefully with the support of a bi-partisan and ideally strong government.
IMHO, with so many billionaires, JPs and Multi-nationals asset at stake (in HKG), creating and carrying out a plan and get it funded should be done outside of the government and adopt the "JUST do it" approach.
We have everything in Hong Kong, culture, food, 'network density', hopefully still hard working people that we have grown up loving (we might talk loud but that's the language's fault!)
Now, someone come out and LEAD please!
if I have time, I shall blog more about this on:
Wish us all luck and greater success (after some hard work) for TheFuture of Hong Kong!
Monday, 16 September 2013
The Habits of the World's Smartest People (Infographic) & 25 Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs |
The Habits of the World's Smartest People (Infographic) |
25 Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
Sunday, 18 August 2013
My comments re Five dangers the internet poses to a sustainable world | Guardian Sustainable Business |
Five dangers the internet poses to a sustainable world | Guardian Sustainable Business |
so glad to have this post.
My analogy would be to have a swiss army knife, or a tool box, they can be used for both good, or bad. Key is to have a 'reason' and goal/solution in mind.
Sadly most internet enterprises (investment bankers & even public market included) & entrepreneurs are about buying and selling (themselves, companies, other people, or what they don't have), we need much more 'value creating' enterprises, whether it is on or offline.
IMHO, our world's mad chase for profit and 'efficiency' might be mutually exclusive against a sustainable future, people, enterprises & governments (& world organisations) need to think past "the now" and really invest for the future. Who dare and can stand out & lead us all by actions and not by words only?
good luck to us all.
so glad to have this post.
My analogy would be to have a swiss army knife, or a tool box, they can be used for both good, or bad. Key is to have a 'reason' and goal/solution in mind.
Sadly most internet enterprises (investment bankers & even public market included) & entrepreneurs are about buying and selling (themselves, companies, other people, or what they don't have), we need much more 'value creating' enterprises, whether it is on or offline.
IMHO, our world's mad chase for profit and 'efficiency' might be mutually exclusive against a sustainable future, people, enterprises & governments (& world organisations) need to think past "the now" and really invest for the future. Who dare and can stand out & lead us all by actions and not by words only?
good luck to us all.
Monday, 12 August 2013
my comments re Government fears fracking 'backfire' over lack of staff and rigs - Business News - Business - The Independent
Government fears fracking 'backfire' over lack of staff and rigs - Business News - Business - The Independent:
In short term government/industry's perspective, it is understandable the long term effects of spillage or 'possible' & long term environmental effects might not come high on the priority list.. you just need to look at the "dead zone" in gulf of mexico, that is without moving the deep earth and fracking deep earth's stones for gas.. that problem is just watering plants and used too much chemical/fertilizer upstream.. who takes responsibilities? some might argue that the typical answer is "not me" from almost everyone. Who suffers? the fishermen & economy downstream that rely on having their seashore just 'being normal'.. sadly it is not! see: (Gulf of Mexico "dead zone" puts seafood industry at risk - CBS News )
We are inn 2013, surely some clause/regulations should be built in as government propose/support the next big thing (brilliant, we need cost effective, and abundance & readily available natural resources for sure), some form of pooled/profit reserve need to be put together for future potential/possible disasters that might happen 2-3 governments down the line..
as without this kind of forward planning, who will really suffer and who can really fix the problems arises?? possibly no one as our world economy is still focusing on maximising shareholders (not stakeholders) value. Thus when the sh*t hit the fan, those people that put together the new regime is long gone and might be relaxing in their private island(s) by then.
We are inn 2013, surely some clause/regulations should be built in as government propose/support the next big thing (brilliant, we need cost effective, and abundance & readily available natural resources for sure), some form of pooled/profit reserve need to be put together for future potential/possible disasters that might happen 2-3 governments down the line..
as without this kind of forward planning, who will really suffer and who can really fix the problems arises?? possibly no one as our world economy is still focusing on maximising shareholders (not stakeholders) value. Thus when the sh*t hit the fan, those people that put together the new regime is long gone and might be relaxing in their private island(s) by then.
Its easy to survive without seafood (comparatively) but if it affects your own water supply or your house's foundation (yes, your own 'castle'), this might not a pretty prospect.
Therefore, ontop of shortage of people and rigs, this might be much more important area to consider ontop of having cost effective supply of energy (of course it is important but balance need to be drawn somewhere!).
happy & keen to learn more if there are any lessons learnt from other Fracking pioneers that have these areas addressed.
Saturday, 10 August 2013
my comments for @MartinSchulz for his post re "Did We Really Learn the Lessons of the Crisis?" | LinkedIn
Did We Really Learn the Lessons of the Crisis? | LinkedIn:
Dear Martin Schulz
your insights are impeccable.
even as president of the European Parliament, you may have noticed that you have only limited time in tenure and limited by power to be able to investigate let alone propose a fix that would be acceptable by all, and solution which would bring just and equitable solution to all stakeholders..
Lets be honest to ourselves, the power and money rest mainly with those few hundreds who span multiple jurisdictions and no one government or regulators can in fact pass law that rein them in (whatever industry that might be, let alone looking at the complex and intertwined economic systems worldwide).
I am not a defeatist but since the credit crisis, every key players just played a few musical chairs and now in 2013 regulators point a few fingers. Sadly, everything stays pretty much normal. Yes, many big corporations are talking CSR, investors talking about SRI, and much noise talking about new 'integrated reporting'.. sadly no one talks about and act upon finding the "truth that counts": truth about the health of the corporations, government's finances (hidden debts of Greece).
Our accepted wisdom of a competitive economy still blindingly focusing on maximising "shareholder's value" at all costs (forgetting about everyone else, including behaviours like lets kill the chicken for the eggs) means no one is wiser... (yes as mentioned, we should look at maximising stakeholder's value instead!)
It is time now to accept that nothing much G8 /G20 or EU would be able to do realistically except thinking outside of the box, finding a 'non threatening' solution that might be acceptable by all stakeholders/political factions.
Only then, we could provide genuine economic incentives and transparency to encourage and promote the firms that adhere to what you are suggesting which is essentially "Do the right thing, from the corporations' & governments' perspective".
I would totally recommend the book by Prof. Colin Mayer on "Firm Commitment" that highlights we already have key ingredients in Europe/Western world, just need to re-adjust the firm's commitment and also punish them should they veer off course.. this is congruent to what my company GamBond® is spearheading.. a long way off but at least it is a concrete step towards a new and viable ecosystem that promote firms having long term goals and will stay around doing good & right things (if a guaranteed firm goes bust, we would assume all their liabilities!).
You are right in saying that Europe cannot unilaterally decide key decisions like austerity measures as it does not exists in vacuum and should EU made it too difficult, people & firms with means just move away to adjacent countries or leave altogether! Policies should be done by using "game theory", in short, think like the firms/people that you are trying to control & the dynamics of others.
Planning for short term & without considering world dynamics and only from EU's perspective is dangerous, as becoming insignificant in a very short period of time may become an unavoidable reality.
Good luck to us, the still hopeful Europeans.
Dear Martin Schulz
your insights are impeccable.
even as president of the European Parliament, you may have noticed that you have only limited time in tenure and limited by power to be able to investigate let alone propose a fix that would be acceptable by all, and solution which would bring just and equitable solution to all stakeholders..
Lets be honest to ourselves, the power and money rest mainly with those few hundreds who span multiple jurisdictions and no one government or regulators can in fact pass law that rein them in (whatever industry that might be, let alone looking at the complex and intertwined economic systems worldwide).
I am not a defeatist but since the credit crisis, every key players just played a few musical chairs and now in 2013 regulators point a few fingers. Sadly, everything stays pretty much normal. Yes, many big corporations are talking CSR, investors talking about SRI, and much noise talking about new 'integrated reporting'.. sadly no one talks about and act upon finding the "truth that counts": truth about the health of the corporations, government's finances (hidden debts of Greece).
Our accepted wisdom of a competitive economy still blindingly focusing on maximising "shareholder's value" at all costs (forgetting about everyone else, including behaviours like lets kill the chicken for the eggs) means no one is wiser... (yes as mentioned, we should look at maximising stakeholder's value instead!)
It is time now to accept that nothing much G8 /G20 or EU would be able to do realistically except thinking outside of the box, finding a 'non threatening' solution that might be acceptable by all stakeholders/political factions.
Only then, we could provide genuine economic incentives and transparency to encourage and promote the firms that adhere to what you are suggesting which is essentially "Do the right thing, from the corporations' & governments' perspective".
I would totally recommend the book by Prof. Colin Mayer on "Firm Commitment" that highlights we already have key ingredients in Europe/Western world, just need to re-adjust the firm's commitment and also punish them should they veer off course.. this is congruent to what my company GamBond® is spearheading.. a long way off but at least it is a concrete step towards a new and viable ecosystem that promote firms having long term goals and will stay around doing good & right things (if a guaranteed firm goes bust, we would assume all their liabilities!).
You are right in saying that Europe cannot unilaterally decide key decisions like austerity measures as it does not exists in vacuum and should EU made it too difficult, people & firms with means just move away to adjacent countries or leave altogether! Policies should be done by using "game theory", in short, think like the firms/people that you are trying to control & the dynamics of others.
Planning for short term & without considering world dynamics and only from EU's perspective is dangerous, as becoming insignificant in a very short period of time may become an unavoidable reality.
Good luck to us, the still hopeful Europeans.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Finally, after more than a year, Thorsten & board listened!? BlackBerry Might Go Private - Business Insider
BlackBerry Might Go Private - Business Insider:
I would like to argue that Thorsten & RIM by going private is being clever and not 'giving up'. Must read above and also the story first broke by Reuters.
Although this does not come as a surprise and indeed after more than a year I suggested Thorsten to do so, and subsequently publicly via this blog post in July 2012:
If Thorsten can pull it off, as mentioned in the blog post, it will only be the first step but at least hopefully he would buy some time (for himself and the new crack team) to fix the issues and re-focus the company.
iPhone and Android maybe the present paradigm that everyone might have to be measured against but that might not be what the business world wants/demand but given the lack of working blackberry (& comparatively cheaper business model of iPhone), they are short of options but to go elsewhere..
selfishly I really wish they fix the platform as my Torch 2 AND the z10 cannot take care of 27,000+ entries on the phone and I am FRUSTRATED!
Good luck in sorting it out Thorsten (& keeping your job longer, or at least until RIM & its fortune get fixed) .. private is the ONLY way to go.. sooner rather than later if you can get it done with enough support. So glad my suggestion is heeded. ;-)
understatement to say I am not head of a @BlackBerry household (just a selection of devices we brought with us):
I would like to argue that Thorsten & RIM by going private is being clever and not 'giving up'. Must read above and also the story first broke by Reuters.
Although this does not come as a surprise and indeed after more than a year I suggested Thorsten to do so, and subsequently publicly via this blog post in July 2012:
If Thorsten can pull it off, as mentioned in the blog post, it will only be the first step but at least hopefully he would buy some time (for himself and the new crack team) to fix the issues and re-focus the company.
iPhone and Android maybe the present paradigm that everyone might have to be measured against but that might not be what the business world wants/demand but given the lack of working blackberry (& comparatively cheaper business model of iPhone), they are short of options but to go elsewhere..
selfishly I really wish they fix the platform as my Torch 2 AND the z10 cannot take care of 27,000+ entries on the phone and I am FRUSTRATED!
Good luck in sorting it out Thorsten (& keeping your job longer, or at least until RIM & its fortune get fixed) .. private is the ONLY way to go.. sooner rather than later if you can get it done with enough support. So glad my suggestion is heeded. ;-)
understatement to say I am not head of a @BlackBerry household (just a selection of devices we brought with us):
Thursday, 8 August 2013
My insights/feedback re 68% of CEOs have ‘no presence’ on any social media (but they like LinkedIn) | VentureBeat
68% of CEOs have ‘no presence’ on any social media (but they like LinkedIn) | VentureBeat:
Given the tenure of major CEOs are typically between 3-5years, it is understandable that they focus on what is needed (whilst they are still in power or has the job), namely offline meetings/gatherings/functions.
50%+ of all my connections are of the top calibre CEOs mentioned above, my typical observations of them on Linkedin are:
1.) the more senior/demanded/important they are, more likely they would rely on PA (unless banking/media/tech), thus connecting on Linkedin would take even 3-5years since I invited them (typically when they are about to change job) of course we are in touch meanwhile, and when schedule allows, some do make time to join my non profit private CXO Europe/Asia gatherings
2.) they start actively using social network and status update when they are are on holiday/ or about to change job/looking for jobs/has new investments/JVs
3.) start using personal email address when they are not in their job, but they would typically keep their CEO/Chairman title until they find something.
4.) only the really media/tech savvy one would be actively engaging via multiple social media networks, and they typically would have their own domains/ blog sites (very small minority)
5.) big percentage of them (I would agree with above, I would say 70-80%) rely solely on emails and indeed they are so important that they already speak in major industry/charitable/foundations events and also host industry functions etc. Therefore, to be frank, they are JUST too busy!! some has their time slot managed down to 15 minute slots.. and therefore no, they would not have time to entertain 'why' they should have a linkedin profile or twitter account.. these are the people that get personal invites from World economic forum and sign off on half a million budget or more for just one WeF meeting!
Therefore, my thinking is that the study can be improved next time by looking at the use of social media of 'just has been's.. and you may find the % of CEO using social media is dramatically increased (especially on Linkedin).
Twitter/facebook sadly is still too 'social' and frankly too mis-understood and rather scary, especially for publicly listed firm's CEOs, and I totally understand and respect why they try to stay away... and some might argue rightly so!?
Fact of the matter is, social media bring huge amount of transparency, potential connections, but at the level of CEOs of firms with US$5m+/£3m+ profit or even in billion dollar+ firms, there is only one way to build trust, that is via face to face (hopefully via trusted contacts' introductions) and it will still be a year or so before any deal is done (unless it is a straight forward/buy &Sell or government backed project). Mutual Trust & personal chemistry can only be built by having more meetings and OVER time.
How we do business sadly has not changed much, namely we still need to shake the hands (I especially scared of the dead fish hands!), look into their eyes and see how they act with you and other people.. & see how they follow up.
Saying that, it is not only for top CEOs, even for the tech sector! why else do you see so many meetups /hackathorns and startup events worldwide now? For me it is even harder work as you have to meet with millions of failing/about to failed Zuck to hopefully to have made friends with the future Zuck.. pure number games and deal flow it seems.
IMHO, this trend will persist unless/until there is some market/economic incentive for CEOs to engage via social media like LinkedIn (or even Twitter), so far, most would like to just do their job (might use social media to keep tap of what others are doing).. and stay alive and hopefully will hop into a even better job in 3-5years time... (Reid & Jeff, ping me if you wanted my suggestion to help you get to 50/80%)
from my personal experience, Twitter need to improve on its private twitter functions before many top CEOs would embrace it. It took me 2 years before I use it, and now I have my private twitter account and public reach out one, rather complicated and I do not see any benefit (yet).
good luck to us all navigating the maze and hope the social network firms we invested time in using will not go bust and all our connections/data created lost! ;-)
(see my last blog response: @GarethWong: my comments, indeed! and your present lives in facebook could also be lost! In a Rush to Modernize, MySpace Destroyed More History @ianmilligan1 )
@GarethWong (public twitter a/c: @CXOEurope @CXOAsia )
Given the tenure of major CEOs are typically between 3-5years, it is understandable that they focus on what is needed (whilst they are still in power or has the job), namely offline meetings/gatherings/functions.
50%+ of all my connections are of the top calibre CEOs mentioned above, my typical observations of them on Linkedin are:
1.) the more senior/demanded/important they are, more likely they would rely on PA (unless banking/media/tech), thus connecting on Linkedin would take even 3-5years since I invited them (typically when they are about to change job) of course we are in touch meanwhile, and when schedule allows, some do make time to join my non profit private CXO Europe/Asia gatherings
2.) they start actively using social network and status update when they are are on holiday/ or about to change job/looking for jobs/has new investments/JVs
3.) start using personal email address when they are not in their job, but they would typically keep their CEO/Chairman title until they find something.
4.) only the really media/tech savvy one would be actively engaging via multiple social media networks, and they typically would have their own domains/ blog sites (very small minority)
5.) big percentage of them (I would agree with above, I would say 70-80%) rely solely on emails and indeed they are so important that they already speak in major industry/charitable/foundations events and also host industry functions etc. Therefore, to be frank, they are JUST too busy!! some has their time slot managed down to 15 minute slots.. and therefore no, they would not have time to entertain 'why' they should have a linkedin profile or twitter account.. these are the people that get personal invites from World economic forum and sign off on half a million budget or more for just one WeF meeting!
Therefore, my thinking is that the study can be improved next time by looking at the use of social media of 'just has been's.. and you may find the % of CEO using social media is dramatically increased (especially on Linkedin).
Twitter/facebook sadly is still too 'social' and frankly too mis-understood and rather scary, especially for publicly listed firm's CEOs, and I totally understand and respect why they try to stay away... and some might argue rightly so!?
Fact of the matter is, social media bring huge amount of transparency, potential connections, but at the level of CEOs of firms with US$5m+/£3m+ profit or even in billion dollar+ firms, there is only one way to build trust, that is via face to face (hopefully via trusted contacts' introductions) and it will still be a year or so before any deal is done (unless it is a straight forward/buy &Sell or government backed project). Mutual Trust & personal chemistry can only be built by having more meetings and OVER time.
How we do business sadly has not changed much, namely we still need to shake the hands (I especially scared of the dead fish hands!), look into their eyes and see how they act with you and other people.. & see how they follow up.
Saying that, it is not only for top CEOs, even for the tech sector! why else do you see so many meetups /hackathorns and startup events worldwide now? For me it is even harder work as you have to meet with millions of failing/about to failed Zuck to hopefully to have made friends with the future Zuck.. pure number games and deal flow it seems.
IMHO, this trend will persist unless/until there is some market/economic incentive for CEOs to engage via social media like LinkedIn (or even Twitter), so far, most would like to just do their job (might use social media to keep tap of what others are doing).. and stay alive and hopefully will hop into a even better job in 3-5years time... (Reid & Jeff, ping me if you wanted my suggestion to help you get to 50/80%)
from my personal experience, Twitter need to improve on its private twitter functions before many top CEOs would embrace it. It took me 2 years before I use it, and now I have my private twitter account and public reach out one, rather complicated and I do not see any benefit (yet).
good luck to us all navigating the maze and hope the social network firms we invested time in using will not go bust and all our connections/data created lost! ;-)
(see my last blog response: @GarethWong: my comments, indeed! and your present lives in facebook could also be lost! In a Rush to Modernize, MySpace Destroyed More History @ianmilligan1 )
@GarethWong (public twitter a/c: @CXOEurope @CXOAsia )
Friday, 2 August 2013
Must watch & learn from key insights shared by @MartJacques "When China Rules the World" at University of Melbourne @unimelb - YouTube & Professor Rana Mitter on How China's Wartime Past is Changing its Present - and Future at @IIEA
When China Rules the World - YouTube:
Must watch & learn from @MartJacques When China Rules the World - YouTube
I totally agree with Martin's analysis, people cannot think like the western world view anymore, and especially not for very powerful people like Eric Schmidt, who still thinks democracy is the only solution for China (& many other communist countries). yes, I stupidly (or too brave) to highlight that fact to Eric during his brilliant event/visit to London last year (as I mentioned briefly here when I supported his comments re Taxes highlighting the culprit is in fact 'transfer pricing' practice.)
Based on the short video (sadly not met Martin yet), I would totally recommend Eric and other government ministers and forward thinking power-men/women to watch this video of Martin (even better, engage him in some way):
Hate to paraphrase (you must watch his lecture below!) but for some of my CXO contacts who are just too short of time (& may require reasons to invest time in watching the video), key highlights from my humble opinion from Martin are:
1.) China as a 'Civilisation State' (not just a country but one must consider thousand years of history. this is absolutely true, as we do consider ourself Chinese!)
2.) Satisfaction: in fact 80-90% of Chinese are extremely satisfied with the goverment, as Chinese State is remarkably successful (in its own term & westerner would not understand)
3.) Democracy is not be-all & end-all, Chinese's paradigm is very different from the western world: One must consider Democracy vs "Competence of State" (he gave India as very democratic but sadly not competent!) Competence is much more important in the China paradigm.
[It is this point that I called out Eric and explained in my question that if Democracy arrives in China, there will be a unstoppable Civil war. We have to give patience and help to China to ease the transition.. ]
He therefore stressed that: Key task is to understand one another, the West is not important any more, but Asia, particularly China.
Our next generations, take heed, particularly Australian (who has not got into recession since 2008 due to close economic link with China), EVERYONE should & must learn Chinese (I think he is referring to Mandarin).
IMHO, every points are spot on! look forward to meeting Martin now!
Key point Martin raised was the unresolved issues since the war with Japan (hence the political tension),
brilliant explaination by Professor Rana Mitter on How China's Wartime Past is Changing its Present - and Future at @IIEA
Prof Rana's speech below brings out and hightlight/stress on Martin's point, regarding the political tension that will not easily be resolved.
Must watch & learn from @MartJacques When China Rules the World - YouTube
I totally agree with Martin's analysis, people cannot think like the western world view anymore, and especially not for very powerful people like Eric Schmidt, who still thinks democracy is the only solution for China (& many other communist countries). yes, I stupidly (or too brave) to highlight that fact to Eric during his brilliant event/visit to London last year (as I mentioned briefly here when I supported his comments re Taxes highlighting the culprit is in fact 'transfer pricing' practice.)
Based on the short video (sadly not met Martin yet), I would totally recommend Eric and other government ministers and forward thinking power-men/women to watch this video of Martin (even better, engage him in some way):
Hate to paraphrase (you must watch his lecture below!) but for some of my CXO contacts who are just too short of time (& may require reasons to invest time in watching the video), key highlights from my humble opinion from Martin are:
1.) China as a 'Civilisation State' (not just a country but one must consider thousand years of history. this is absolutely true, as we do consider ourself Chinese!)
2.) Satisfaction: in fact 80-90% of Chinese are extremely satisfied with the goverment, as Chinese State is remarkably successful (in its own term & westerner would not understand)
3.) Democracy is not be-all & end-all, Chinese's paradigm is very different from the western world: One must consider Democracy vs "Competence of State" (he gave India as very democratic but sadly not competent!) Competence is much more important in the China paradigm.
[It is this point that I called out Eric and explained in my question that if Democracy arrives in China, there will be a unstoppable Civil war. We have to give patience and help to China to ease the transition.. ]
He therefore stressed that: Key task is to understand one another, the West is not important any more, but Asia, particularly China.
Our next generations, take heed, particularly Australian (who has not got into recession since 2008 due to close economic link with China), EVERYONE should & must learn Chinese (I think he is referring to Mandarin).
IMHO, every points are spot on! look forward to meeting Martin now!
Key point Martin raised was the unresolved issues since the war with Japan (hence the political tension),
brilliant explaination by Professor Rana Mitter on How China's Wartime Past is Changing its Present - and Future at @IIEA
Prof Rana's speech below brings out and hightlight/stress on Martin's point, regarding the political tension that will not easily be resolved.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
how to @Be_Champion? learn from Two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria - Miranda Wang & Jeanny Yao, others should also emulate, @Be_Champion dare you to put in the effort in whatever you choose to tackle! do they fit @Gladwell 10,000hours rule?
Two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria - YouTube: "
These two teenagers are really inspiring, Miranda Wang and Jeanny Yao
Winner of the Sanofi Biogeneius challenge "British Columbia, Plastic pollution-eating bacteria",
What if all other teenagers or even pre-teens can learn from them, we can really have our local, national, world problems fixed by tomorrow! yes we all hear about 'cloud computing' surely we need to look at 'cloud intellect'.. how much time is wasted by people just sitting around 'not sure what to do'!?
I personally did grade 13 in Canada in Ontario (does not exist now) and believe me, some students work much harder than others.. ;-)
Therefore, the real question is, how did Miranda & Jeanny got their 'drive' to get out and "do it" and "not give up" and be persistent with their efforts?? Was it due to the up their bringing (by dragon parents?) or role models they set themselves (who?)?? or were they not part of the 'starsuckers' culture and did not have much time watching TVs?? Curious and hope Miranda & Jeanny shed some lights for future generations to learn from!
IMHO, true to spirit, if everyone just challenge themselves, even under-achiever can become expert as long as they find their passion, as Malcolm @Gladwell point out in his brilliant book Outliers, if his assertion is right, all it takes is 10,000 hours of intense practice/working hard at it, to excel in something! Q: did Miranda & Jeanny spend 10k hours on the subject? how many hours altogether? would be fascinating to see if that fits into Malcolm's theory!
Eitherway, their hard work is already paying off with scholarships etc. Brilliant work and many congratulations!
Their Must Watch TED speech:
These two teenagers are really inspiring, Miranda Wang and Jeanny Yao
Winner of the Sanofi Biogeneius challenge "British Columbia, Plastic pollution-eating bacteria",
What if all other teenagers or even pre-teens can learn from them, we can really have our local, national, world problems fixed by tomorrow! yes we all hear about 'cloud computing' surely we need to look at 'cloud intellect'.. how much time is wasted by people just sitting around 'not sure what to do'!?
I personally did grade 13 in Canada in Ontario (does not exist now) and believe me, some students work much harder than others.. ;-)
Therefore, the real question is, how did Miranda & Jeanny got their 'drive' to get out and "do it" and "not give up" and be persistent with their efforts?? Was it due to the up their bringing (by dragon parents?) or role models they set themselves (who?)?? or were they not part of the 'starsuckers' culture and did not have much time watching TVs?? Curious and hope Miranda & Jeanny shed some lights for future generations to learn from!
IMHO, true to spirit, if everyone just challenge themselves, even under-achiever can become expert as long as they find their passion, as Malcolm @Gladwell point out in his brilliant book Outliers, if his assertion is right, all it takes is 10,000 hours of intense practice/working hard at it, to excel in something! Q: did Miranda & Jeanny spend 10k hours on the subject? how many hours altogether? would be fascinating to see if that fits into Malcolm's theory!
Eitherway, their hard work is already paying off with scholarships etc. Brilliant work and many congratulations!
Their Must Watch TED speech:
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Must watch & key points from Prof Philip Kotler: Marketing - YouTube @kotl @KOTLERMARKETING re Marketing 4.0 =creating ecosystems!
Philip Kotler: Marketing - YouTube:
Prof Kotler is one of my marketing idol, well, I had a few of his marketing books during my study for Executive MBA, believe me they were rather heavy to carry around, but glad I did and hope I had learnt and retained at least 10% after all these years.
This video is brilliant and I would say another must watch, why waste time watching cats or silly stuff when you can gain some real insights that might help your personal and business life?? shocking that there is only 36,580 views, a real gem of a free marketing lecture!
what really touched my heart was his last comments 55min in of what Marketing 4.0 will be about, regarding the creation of a new ecosystem, so close to my heart! as that is what we have been trying to do with GamBond® by creating a viable alternative to be rated, listed or audited, new industry default risk guarantee, credit insurance but for holding company level!
Prof Kotler is one of my marketing idol, well, I had a few of his marketing books during my study for Executive MBA, believe me they were rather heavy to carry around, but glad I did and hope I had learnt and retained at least 10% after all these years.
This video is brilliant and I would say another must watch, why waste time watching cats or silly stuff when you can gain some real insights that might help your personal and business life?? shocking that there is only 36,580 views, a real gem of a free marketing lecture!
what really touched my heart was his last comments 55min in of what Marketing 4.0 will be about, regarding the creation of a new ecosystem, so close to my heart! as that is what we have been trying to do with GamBond® by creating a viable alternative to be rated, listed or audited, new industry default risk guarantee, credit insurance but for holding company level!
Monday, 29 July 2013
my comments, indeed! and your present lives in facebook could also be lost! In a Rush to Modernize, MySpace Destroyed More History @ianmilligan1
In a Rush to Modernize, MySpace Destroyed More History:
I think you are absolutely right Ian. (Please read article by Ian here.)
with our digital world, and now much more reliant on 'free' services from likes of google cloud/ apple emails etc. we run a big risk indeed! What if one day they decided it is not 'profitable' anymore and decide to turn it all off.. (or the new owner decided that).. well, google (unlike myspace is rather profitable) still decide to turn off services whenever they feel like (although hard decision no doubt!) like googleWave, google reader just last weeks.
Most joe-blogg like me are ignorant as to what we can do with the gigs of data we created during our digital lives, let alone the specific behaviour info and other data collected without us knowing (I would argue that also needs archiving for my own use!?).
Legacy wise, it is also a very important area to look at, for argument sake, if you and other readers are our future Shakespeare-to-be, if you are reliant on digital creative writing only and when an internet only firm that you mainly use decided to pull the plug, not only would you lose everything (if you didn't know how to backup from cloud) but your children will also suffer! Why?? When they inherit your estates, unlike Shakespeare's time, all the notes/love letters and drafts are not saved for the prosperity.. it is a dangerous trend and sadly technology world is very much like lemmings, even Microsoft is now going 'cloud'.. who would, who can really keep our own data safe!??
even if the cloud /social network services are well run and archived digitally, what happens when virus or the server centre(s) get fired or flooded or electricity spikes!?
our present outsourced model to the company that does no bad stuff like google (like myspace before) is rather dangerous, but what are the alternatives?
I in fact predicted the demise of facebook in 5years (ok by 2018!), if/when that happens, what of all the pictures/data/connections/likes of your 'previous facebook' lives?? does it mean you wasted all your time and energy?? very likely I'm afraid and yes, it will happen!
@GarethWong: Erm, no! & my predictions...(death of @Facebook in 5yrs) At 30 years old, the internet is inescapable - Telegraph
I think you are absolutely right Ian. (Please read article by Ian here.)
with our digital world, and now much more reliant on 'free' services from likes of google cloud/ apple emails etc. we run a big risk indeed! What if one day they decided it is not 'profitable' anymore and decide to turn it all off.. (or the new owner decided that).. well, google (unlike myspace is rather profitable) still decide to turn off services whenever they feel like (although hard decision no doubt!) like googleWave, google reader just last weeks.
Most joe-blogg like me are ignorant as to what we can do with the gigs of data we created during our digital lives, let alone the specific behaviour info and other data collected without us knowing (I would argue that also needs archiving for my own use!?).
Legacy wise, it is also a very important area to look at, for argument sake, if you and other readers are our future Shakespeare-to-be, if you are reliant on digital creative writing only and when an internet only firm that you mainly use decided to pull the plug, not only would you lose everything (if you didn't know how to backup from cloud) but your children will also suffer! Why?? When they inherit your estates, unlike Shakespeare's time, all the notes/love letters and drafts are not saved for the prosperity.. it is a dangerous trend and sadly technology world is very much like lemmings, even Microsoft is now going 'cloud'.. who would, who can really keep our own data safe!??
even if the cloud /social network services are well run and archived digitally, what happens when virus or the server centre(s) get fired or flooded or electricity spikes!?
our present outsourced model to the company that does no bad stuff like google (like myspace before) is rather dangerous, but what are the alternatives?
I in fact predicted the demise of facebook in 5years (ok by 2018!), if/when that happens, what of all the pictures/data/connections/likes of your 'previous facebook' lives?? does it mean you wasted all your time and energy?? very likely I'm afraid and yes, it will happen!
@GarethWong: Erm, no! & my predictions...(death of @Facebook in 5yrs) At 30 years old, the internet is inescapable - Telegraph
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
My comments re: What Inspires Me: Harvey-Jones Vs. Trump Vs. Sugar | LinkedIn
What Inspires Me: Harvey-Jones Vs. Trump Vs. Sugar | LinkedIn:
totally agree with you Steve, of course, you are THE quiet guru yourself! ;-)
I just ranted (probably incoherently) about this on growth business: RT @GarethWong: My short comments, must learn from Rebel Billionaire, The Apprentice: Best of a bad bunch - Reality TV show
Reality is that "created for TV" business show is just focus on entertainment (& IMHO wasting our time), they select the candidates for some might argue mainly show off their shortcomings. As for Dragon's den, when it was first planned/launched, the prize was initially £50k max.. I told the producer it was a joke, sadly no, but somehow it made a great TV series!!
IMHO, we need to engage more with and between top successful leaders who are otherwise too busy (invariably they all are), hence likes of my CXO Europe/Asia are bringing value to that top level of leaders.. in a private environment without danger of 'looking stupid' and learning from each other.
Lets be frank, even Sir John Harvey-Jones were lonely and helpless at times whilst he was running ICI, and thus why your Xinfu service is welcomed as the 'trusted' advisor.. some might not be able to take the pressure at the top: RT @GarethWong: RIP, top very lonely RT @guardiantech: Swisscom CEO found dead in suspected suicide @reuters
Challenge is now our media press is TV is taken over by small minority of "how great I am" celebrity business guru which sadly at times only running mid tier firm that claims to know everything..
Very much moving into the "BusinessStarSuckers" territories, almost same premise as the 'StarSuckers" documentary by Chris Atkins.
hope more people would listen to you and likes of Sir John Harvey-Jones, we need more worthwhile role models for sure!
Catchup soon!
totally agree with you Steve, of course, you are THE quiet guru yourself! ;-)
I just ranted (probably incoherently) about this on growth business: RT @GarethWong: My short comments, must learn from Rebel Billionaire, The Apprentice: Best of a bad bunch - Reality TV show
Reality is that "created for TV" business show is just focus on entertainment (& IMHO wasting our time), they select the candidates for some might argue mainly show off their shortcomings. As for Dragon's den, when it was first planned/launched, the prize was initially £50k max.. I told the producer it was a joke, sadly no, but somehow it made a great TV series!!
IMHO, we need to engage more with and between top successful leaders who are otherwise too busy (invariably they all are), hence likes of my CXO Europe/Asia are bringing value to that top level of leaders.. in a private environment without danger of 'looking stupid' and learning from each other.
Lets be frank, even Sir John Harvey-Jones were lonely and helpless at times whilst he was running ICI, and thus why your Xinfu service is welcomed as the 'trusted' advisor.. some might not be able to take the pressure at the top: RT @GarethWong: RIP, top very lonely RT @guardiantech: Swisscom CEO found dead in suspected suicide @reuters
Challenge is now our media press is TV is taken over by small minority of "how great I am" celebrity business guru which sadly at times only running mid tier firm that claims to know everything..
Very much moving into the "BusinessStarSuckers" territories, almost same premise as the 'StarSuckers" documentary by Chris Atkins.
hope more people would listen to you and likes of Sir John Harvey-Jones, we need more worthwhile role models for sure!
Catchup soon!
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Anything is possible! 2 years old 娃娃國,娃娃兵,金髮藍眼睛, She comes from Germany, and she can speak Mandarin - YouTube
娃娃國,娃娃兵,金髮藍眼睛, She comes from Germany, and she can speak Chinese - YouTube:
wow, she can even recite poem! 2years old!
Everyone should think and learn like this little girl, it is possible!
静夜思 唐朝诗人李白床前明月光
wow, she can even recite poem! 2years old!
Everyone should think and learn like this little girl, it is possible!
静夜思 唐朝诗人李白床前明月光
春 眠 不 觉 晓,
处 处 闻 啼 鸟。
夜 来 风 雨 声,
花 落 知 多 少
My short comments, must learn from Rebel Billionaire, The Apprentice: Best of a bad bunch - Reality TV show
The Apprentice: Best of a bad bunch - Reality TV show:
Sadly it is a a pure entertainment show created for massaging ego of Mr. Trump. There is nothing wrong with the show apprentice, of course, if it encourages more people to become entrepreneur. I just wish people would really focus on the business; not laughing at the mishaps and weak work for the guys and girls on the show. ( I watched a series with Donald Trump, it was much better with the UK version because at least the reward for winner of each show was truly 'money can't buy stuff,' unlike the one for UK's series 1, which I didn't watch after few episodes, embarrassing indeed.)
If one put a perceived big fish of a small pond on a Pedestal, don't be surprised if that would change the dynamics.. sadly I personally meet hundreds of top guys who are 10 times more successful and 10 times more humble and insightful as Sir Alan.. (with fullest respect to Sir Alan, and indeed all the Sirs and Dames in UK which are in the hundreds, just me alone, I already have 50+ in my address book, I gave up counting!) We all know that focusing on business purely would not make interesting television, nor would it be easy to convince the camera/press-shy business moguls to engage and try to emulate the trump style & humiliate others: I do particularly feel sorry for the 'well selected wannabes' who are sadly selected as you put it in some cases for lack of skills for people's entertainment.
Acid test for 'real success??' I would like to argue that it is not the show Apprentice, but the one series of the "Rebel Billionaire", with Richard Branson (Sir?) they seems to have found and support some very successful guys/girls like the Sara Blakely of Spanx.. that is a truly much better program, re-affirming rather than putting down. And look at Sara climbing new heights truely with Manx (spanx for men)..
Despite my empathy for the apprentices who are selected, IMHO, the 3minutes of fame is not worth the potential public humiliations (remember fame is not success!) In UK however, very limited choice of proper business issues focused show like the Apprentice.. dragons den? don't get me started!
We need some proper programs that showcase/promote/educate, challenge and encourage people to learn AND Do: inception to succeed! @Be_Champion ! We definitely need some proper business role models that focus on long term success for the whole value chain.
Sadly it is a a pure entertainment show created for massaging ego of Mr. Trump. There is nothing wrong with the show apprentice, of course, if it encourages more people to become entrepreneur. I just wish people would really focus on the business; not laughing at the mishaps and weak work for the guys and girls on the show. ( I watched a series with Donald Trump, it was much better with the UK version because at least the reward for winner of each show was truly 'money can't buy stuff,' unlike the one for UK's series 1, which I didn't watch after few episodes, embarrassing indeed.)
If one put a perceived big fish of a small pond on a Pedestal, don't be surprised if that would change the dynamics.. sadly I personally meet hundreds of top guys who are 10 times more successful and 10 times more humble and insightful as Sir Alan.. (with fullest respect to Sir Alan, and indeed all the Sirs and Dames in UK which are in the hundreds, just me alone, I already have 50+ in my address book, I gave up counting!) We all know that focusing on business purely would not make interesting television, nor would it be easy to convince the camera/press-shy business moguls to engage and try to emulate the trump style & humiliate others: I do particularly feel sorry for the 'well selected wannabes' who are sadly selected as you put it in some cases for lack of skills for people's entertainment.
Acid test for 'real success??' I would like to argue that it is not the show Apprentice, but the one series of the "Rebel Billionaire", with Richard Branson (Sir?) they seems to have found and support some very successful guys/girls like the Sara Blakely of Spanx.. that is a truly much better program, re-affirming rather than putting down. And look at Sara climbing new heights truely with Manx (spanx for men)..
Despite my empathy for the apprentices who are selected, IMHO, the 3minutes of fame is not worth the potential public humiliations (remember fame is not success!) In UK however, very limited choice of proper business issues focused show like the Apprentice.. dragons den? don't get me started!
We need some proper programs that showcase/promote/educate, challenge and encourage people to learn AND Do: inception to succeed! @Be_Champion ! We definitely need some proper business role models that focus on long term success for the whole value chain.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Lessons learnt and what Hong Kong Government can do to help HKG industries. re Trunki defeats Hong Kong pirates | The Sunday Times
Trunki defeats Hong Kong pirates | The Sunday Times:
So glad for Rob Law, @TrunkiDaddy who is winning over cystic fibrosis so far (good luck in defeating it!) and disregarding the 'entertainment' show of dragons den (yes I don't watch, IMHO, they select for entertainment/humiliations vs doing real deals)
This story showcase Rob's real tenacity and self believe, and proves that creating & protecting IP is a key process & success factor of any entrepreneurs (if you can do so in your industry). I hope he has managed to protect his IP for the rest of the world also, as illegal copying of his Trunki might already be happening elsewhere!?
As a Hong Kong Chinese, I firmly believe that this case does not represent that all Hong Kong businesses copy like a pirate but I hope this case should signify the true "inflection point" for Hong Kong/China businesses (many ways Taiwan included also) where the businesses should start seriously thinking medium to long term now, and invest in building quality products, sustainable designs, and protect-able brands/IPs that domestic and international markets needed. As production/factory for the world, there is enough skills transferred now, just need to develop more towards product developments, design and brands!
The happy days of easy job-lots, scale productions orders and quick bucks is sadly over, with worldwide "near-shoring" now a fact rather than "fad" means that time is now to re-invent the businesses and value chain in Chinese speaking countries!
We Chinese can do anything if we put our minds to it. especially for southern china where the real meaning of "醒目" is encouraged & drilled into most kids as they grow up!
Just need the right goals and directions! All that is needed is some proper thinking and planning by the Hong Kong government to get the ball rolling. Lessons must be learnt by looking at how google campus has achieved substantial increase of 'density of network" within a short year (with major government policy and agencies like TechCity Investment). Hong Kong can certainly emulate and reinvent and do even better! We might see other western firms 'trying' to copy in 10years time, mark my words (if HKG government can get the acts together to make this happen of course!).
Saturday, 13 July 2013
RT @be_champion: Girl Learns 2Dance in a Year TIME LAPSE many congrat 2 @karenxcheng hope others can challenge themselves:DO Something
Girl Learns to Dance in a Year (TIME LAPSE) - YouTube:
RT @be_champion: Girl Learns 2Dance in a Year TIME LAPSE many congrat 2 @karenxcheng hope others can challenge themselves:DO Something, anything, I dare any of you, learn & practice something daily and you can excel in it, period! ;-)
RT @be_champion: Girl Learns 2Dance in a Year TIME LAPSE many congrat 2 @karenxcheng hope others can challenge themselves:DO Something, anything, I dare any of you, learn & practice something daily and you can excel in it, period! ;-)
Must read & ACTION! "mindful meditation" & Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) “positivity training” apps+ computer software, "how to" guide From Pessimist to Optimist? How Positive Actions can Change your Brain, @BBCHorizon | book Rainy Brain Sunny Brain by Professor Elaine Fox @ProfElaineFox
BBC Horizon | Rainy Brain Sunny Brain by Professor Elaine Fox:
"From Pessimist to Optimist? How Positive Actions can Change your Brain
Must watch program!
please do click through the link above to view summary and how to and link to the software/tools to make yourself more positive!
+++ for purpose of some of my super busy CXO friends, at least you can see the quick summary below that links back to the fantastic site from Prof Elaine Fox, more about her, author of
DO note that it can also be used to help children!
RT @GarethWong: Meditation For Kids: Parents Turn To Mindfulness Practices To Help Children Stay Calm @HuffPostParents @CAROLYN_GREG
indeed brilliant service not only from guys in the programs but also from BBC!
RT @GarethWong many thanks & Gr8 Horizon:Truth abt Personality @DrMichaelMosley
@BBCiPlayer feat @andy_headspace @RosalindPicard @ProfElaineFox
"From Pessimist to Optimist? How Positive Actions can Change your Brain
Must watch program!
please do click through the link above to view summary and how to and link to the software/tools to make yourself more positive!
+++ for purpose of some of my super busy CXO friends, at least you can see the quick summary below that links back to the fantastic site from Prof Elaine Fox, more about her, author of
In Rainy Brain Sunny Brain, Elaine Fox describes a range of techniques that can actually alter our brains’ circuitry so lifelong pessimists can train themselves to think positively and find happiness, while pleasure-seekers inclined toward risky or destructive behavior can take control of their lives.
We have recreated the task we gave to Michael here so that you can try the same programme for yourself...
This will give you an indication of how you compare to other people in your general level of optimism or pessimism. Then, if you want to continue you can...
Then you can undergo attentional re-training designed to enhance a positive bias in attention – we can call this positivity training...
At the end of the 7 to 8 week period, you can take the optimism test again as well as take the attention bias test to see whether there has been any change...
DO note that it can also be used to help children!
RT @GarethWong: Meditation For Kids: Parents Turn To Mindfulness Practices To Help Children Stay Calm @HuffPostParents @CAROLYN_GREG
indeed brilliant service not only from guys in the programs but also from BBC!
RT @GarethWong many thanks & Gr8 Horizon:Truth abt Personality @DrMichaelMosley
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
"Beijing State of Mind" is a Parody Worthy of Jay-Z vs local Chinese talents 隐藏 's 在北京 back in 2003!
"Beijing State of Mind" is a Parody Worthy of Jay-Z | Beijing Cream:
Pretty cool!
隐藏 's
second one is much more original and lyrics much more insightful and its in Chinese/mandarin.. sadly my gut feel is the glossy version copying jay-z would be much more popular!
when they performed on CCTV:
Pretty cool!
隐藏 's
在北京 in 2003 (with westerner's singing in pretty much perfect mandarin!)
second one is much more original and lyrics much more insightful and its in Chinese/mandarin.. sadly my gut feel is the glossy version copying jay-z would be much more popular!
when they performed on CCTV:
Monday, 8 July 2013
My comments re Audit code 'could help to restore faith in banks' - Telegraph
Audit code 'could help to restore faith in banks' - Telegraph:
This makes perfect sense, and one small step in the right direction.
This makes perfect sense, and one small step in the right direction.
penalty for failure to adopt and execute the code should be substantial enough to ensure rectification of such code & practices, however, this might push big firms with means to look for 'ways around it', one such step could be skip London altogether en mass. (its not likely to happen, but even our great Andy Murray won Wimbledon!)
Therefore, I do not envy position of Martin & Andrew as it is a very finely balanced chess strategic worldwide jurisdictional game on their hands (despite London is a leading player).
Furthermore, same code should also be applicable for major firms whether they are FTSE50/100 or not as the sheer size of such corporations means their success and/or failure would also impact general public on medium/long term also (e.g. most pension funds would be holding BP/Cheveron and Unilever/P&G stocks!)
Internal auditors should definitely be empowered and the most senior should be on the board, but so far, their shouts (if any) have sadly (& could still be) fallen on deaf ears unless the firms are 'locked-in' to execute the code and substantial stick to ensure they perform.
Otherwise, it is like telling kids to monitor their parents...
(PS: some might say slightly simple questions, but who can enforce it, as it is not law but only code!? who judge if they have done according to rules? by the time all these run its course, the firm in question may already be bankrupted or be rescued... hence sadly this is not the overall answers neither!)
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
My Very important question (3 key points) for RSA - From the digital divide to inclusive innovation: the case of digital money
RSA - From the digital divide to inclusive innovation: the case of digital money:
Great panel discussions at RSA, gutted I could not join in person but glad I could listen in (on & off).
I'm slightly disappointed the panel only scratched the service (IMHO, too big panel!)
1) Good future: business models & who might be able to create a viable worldwide system was not explored.. &
2) Lessons from failures: good lessons learnt from non event of e-money regulation of UK (since 02'!) & apparent failures & lessons learnt from Mondex & others
3) Reasons for success so far, kenya & other african country example IMHO was mostly due to lack of choice/alternative & under-serviced (at times exploited) demographics..
Real question is: How does that translate to the rest of the world and who will devise a service that will be ubiquotus & add value to ALL!? Or is that not the purpose of e-money/digital money!?
Great panel discussions at RSA, gutted I could not join in person but glad I could listen in (on & off).
I'm slightly disappointed the panel only scratched the service (IMHO, too big panel!)
1) Good future: business models & who might be able to create a viable worldwide system was not explored.. &
2) Lessons from failures: good lessons learnt from non event of e-money regulation of UK (since 02'!) & apparent failures & lessons learnt from Mondex & others
3) Reasons for success so far, kenya & other african country example IMHO was mostly due to lack of choice/alternative & under-serviced (at times exploited) demographics..
Real question is: How does that translate to the rest of the world and who will devise a service that will be ubiquotus & add value to ALL!? Or is that not the purpose of e-money/digital money!?
Monday, 1 July 2013
we need a discussion between Dr. Michael Moseley & Prof T.Colin Campbell re Whole-food, Plant-Based Diet WFPB vs. Atkins vs 5:2 Fast Diet?? hosted by @Nuffieldtrust ?
In our constant yearning for "losing weight", "being healthy", "gaining longevity" and maybe "killing cancers/diabetes".. may form different yardstick (KPIs) and goals which means we might need to adopt different strategy, combination of lifestyle changes (food intake + exercises = lifestyle change).
Seems to me the diets that make most sense so far with scientific basis and can be proven time and again are 1.) the Whole-food, plant based diet [WFPB]
2.) 5:2 fast diet (easier to achieve than alternative days)
Both should be able to control weight but WFPB seems more drastic but much more powerful in cutting risks of having Cancers..
What I would like is to have them two fight it out and find the best for us mere mortals to follow.. unlike Bill Clinton, I cannot expect others to bend over backward to serve me (I don't have his gravitas /influence.. nor deep pocket yet!
It would be great if likes of Nuffield trust can sort out a debate, or fact based "diet-off" between the two.. !??
we can only keep hoping! ;-)
for those of you just catching up, please see below.
loved the Dr. Michael Moseley's BBC documentary:
Eat, Fast & Live Longer HD by limoslight
big press & book after:
that essentially created the 5:2 diet:
Contrast that with the Whole Food Plant based diet (below discussion vs. Atkins diet expert):
Pros and Cons of a Vegan Diet -

What I really want to know, can I have a balance between the two!??
Seems to me the diets that make most sense so far with scientific basis and can be proven time and again are 1.) the Whole-food, plant based diet [WFPB]
2.) 5:2 fast diet (easier to achieve than alternative days)
Both should be able to control weight but WFPB seems more drastic but much more powerful in cutting risks of having Cancers..
What I would like is to have them two fight it out and find the best for us mere mortals to follow.. unlike Bill Clinton, I cannot expect others to bend over backward to serve me (I don't have his gravitas /influence.. nor deep pocket yet!
It would be great if likes of Nuffield trust can sort out a debate, or fact based "diet-off" between the two.. !??
we can only keep hoping! ;-)
for those of you just catching up, please see below.
loved the Dr. Michael Moseley's BBC documentary:
Eat, Fast & Live Longer HD by limoslight
big press & book after:
that essentially created the 5:2 diet:
Contrast that with the Whole Food Plant based diet (below discussion vs. Atkins diet expert):
Pros and Cons of a Vegan Diet -
What I really want to know, can I have a balance between the two!??
Sunday, 30 June 2013
My short comments re Using crowdfunding sites could destroy your nascent business idea | Media Network | Guardian Professional
Using crowdfunding sites could destroy your nascent business idea | Media Network | Guardian Professional:
IP, "barrier to entry" and sustainable & "win-win" business models are key things to consider. Ideally, viable "to market strategy" need to be formed and put in place before telling the world... inc. "trade mark" & other things as mentioned in the article, given limited budget (for most startups) it also make sense to self educate and using mostly free resources so far online to "Do-it-yourself".
key is get going, but with eye wide open, and adapt. Do not use too many consultants or advisers, especially blood suckers who focus on fees you pay, sadly I personally got stung by a few lawyers also when I registered my Community Trade Mark via even major lawyer firms in and outside of UK.
good luck, it is a sea full of sharks.
IP, "barrier to entry" and sustainable & "win-win" business models are key things to consider. Ideally, viable "to market strategy" need to be formed and put in place before telling the world... inc. "trade mark" & other things as mentioned in the article, given limited budget (for most startups) it also make sense to self educate and using mostly free resources so far online to "Do-it-yourself".
key is get going, but with eye wide open, and adapt. Do not use too many consultants or advisers, especially blood suckers who focus on fees you pay, sadly I personally got stung by a few lawyers also when I registered my Community Trade Mark via even major lawyer firms in and outside of UK.
good luck, it is a sea full of sharks.
Friday, 28 June 2013
My comments re British Banks’ Comedy of Terrors by Simon Johnson - Project Syndicate
British Banks’ Comedy of Terrors by Simon Johnson - Project Syndicate:
good piece of commentary, thanks Prof Simon
IMHO, Prof Anat book is brilliant and highlighted (now seems obvious) very important facts, too much leveraged is not sustainable and should retained more profit to bulk up the balance sheet (hope I understood & paraphrased it ok? totally recommend the book!). Bankers are playing key role for sure, but are they alone in the party?
To that end, I would also like to highlight wider capital market behaviour/cultural problems of short-term rent seeking/trading vs value creating negative culture (since we are in book recommendation mode), argued eloquently by Jack Bogle's book on "The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation".
of course, EVERYone might also be at fault, culturally, as the essence of 'shareholder value' maximisation might need to be 're-define' and re-adjusted.. long term goals setting with some punishment if need, please see the brilliant book by Prof. Colin Mayer on Firm Commitment.
I do not see Basel III any better, surely by 2019 our economies might not be in any fixable states, and that is only looking at 7% of risk-weighted assets .. I am not expert, even 10% is low! and due to multitude of accounting/reporting standards/recognitions, and fact that everything is backward looking (definition of accounting!), some might argue that all these is meaningless as by the time we know about it, the company might fail anyway!!!
It is sadly not fixable by one regulator, or even IMF/WorldBank/G8/G20 (please tell me if I am wrong! sincerely hope I am!) none of the key guys are in job long enough to understand enough and be able to put in the key 'long term' solution.. hence we keep hearing from ex-this and ex-that saying how it should be done!?
To be frank, I would hate to be head of PRA/FCA/SEC.. as they are also faced with a stark challenge, as NO one country can legislate for the world, but what they do do, might affect how the big firms (with more money than the governments) might decide how they divert their operations/money and thus would affect their market adversely... therefore, "game theory of the whole trillion market" need also be considered very carefully also.
WE have to learn from history, even the best intended policies might not work out as planned, see how TARP turned out!
NOT as simple as black & white as you might have put in your short and brilliant article.
My take?? our financial world need a real pervasive solution: (Car mechanic analogy) not just monitor and oil the gears better. Indeed, it might be time to change the gears and indeed the gearbox!! Anyone thinking/working on that?? We have and sadly world does not want to be changed as 'efficient use of capital' is still defined by all as DEBT! go figure!
Watch_Dogs WeAreData great example of how "big data" is used (mostly for visualisation so far) but we can do more (for good) I hope!
Watch_Dogs WeAreData:
this is a brilliant example of how "big data" can be used .. from a games company!
well done. (in Paris, picture above, you can even follow the trains!)
(mostly for visualisation so far) but being an ever optimist.. no doubt we can do more (for good).
now, everyone one else need to figure out how to protect/use the data for good!
thanks for @domdelport 's tweet..
this is a brilliant example of how "big data" can be used .. from a games company!
well done. (in Paris, picture above, you can even follow the trains!)
(mostly for visualisation so far) but being an ever optimist.. no doubt we can do more (for good).
now, everyone one else need to figure out how to protect/use the data for good!
thanks for @domdelport 's tweet..
Sunday, 23 June 2013
John Mescall on making shareable advertising on Vimeo, RT @GarethWong Well deserved! @McCann_WW #CannesLions #DumbWaystoDie scoops top award @guardian @JohnMescall1
John Mescall on making shareable advertising on Vimeo:
RT @GarethWong Well deserved! @McCann_WW #CannesLions #DumbWaystoDie scoops top award @guardian @JohnMescall1
Key question is how we can harness such creativity to encourage/incentivise people to better themselves and make things happen rather than complaining without providing solutions!?
John Mescall on making shareable advertising from Warc on Vimeo.
RT @GarethWong Well deserved! @McCann_WW #CannesLions #DumbWaystoDie scoops top award @guardian @JohnMescall1
Key question is how we can harness such creativity to encourage/incentivise people to better themselves and make things happen rather than complaining without providing solutions!?
John Mescall on making shareable advertising from Warc on Vimeo.
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Learn from Chris Hadfield's Snapshots from Space - YouTube
Chris Hadfield's Snapshots from Space - YouTube:
Link to a few top pictures by him: Chris Hadfield performs David Bowie's Space Oddity - on The @Independent
I particularly like the one on London:

Link to a few top pictures by him: Chris Hadfield performs David Bowie's Space Oddity - on The @Independent
I particularly like the one on London:
Friday, 14 June 2013
brilliant advice from Michael Lazerow... (but...) Offbeat Advice I Wish I Was Given in School | LinkedIn
Offbeat Advice I Wish I Was Given in School | LinkedIn:
Reality is that turning back the clock, if we were given the advice, would we have listened? I've doing that now and my next generation is pretending to listen.. maybe by showing Michael's post, they finally will.. key is everyone should!
must read full list suggest you click through and read it or follow him at
"Sit in row 1 or 2. Perception matters. Sitting up close tells the teacher you care.
Doodle often. It's your brain on auto drive. You never know where it will take you.
Do your homework. The stress of telling your teacher you didn't do it isn't worth it.
Do what you love. Then master it so you can do it much better than anyone else you know. Happiness is where interests and capabilities intersect.
Ask out someone at least two grades above you. And expect to be rejected. Rejection is the muscle that will power your future success. (And if you actually succeed, even better! Grab the Drakkar. Game on!).
Admit your mistakes. Don't lie. Take your punishment. And move on. The mistake won't hurt you. The coverup will. Flawed, vulnerable people are likable. Liars aren't."
Reality is that turning back the clock, if we were given the advice, would we have listened? I've doing that now and my next generation is pretending to listen.. maybe by showing Michael's post, they finally will.. key is everyone should!
must read full list suggest you click through and read it or follow him at
"Sit in row 1 or 2. Perception matters. Sitting up close tells the teacher you care.
Doodle often. It's your brain on auto drive. You never know where it will take you.
Do your homework. The stress of telling your teacher you didn't do it isn't worth it.
Do what you love. Then master it so you can do it much better than anyone else you know. Happiness is where interests and capabilities intersect.
Ask out someone at least two grades above you. And expect to be rejected. Rejection is the muscle that will power your future success. (And if you actually succeed, even better! Grab the Drakkar. Game on!).
Admit your mistakes. Don't lie. Take your punishment. And move on. The mistake won't hurt you. The coverup will. Flawed, vulnerable people are likable. Liars aren't."
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Brilliantly funny The 21th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony - YouTube, Chemistry Themed.. & Miss Sweetie Poo that is needed in most conferences!
The 21th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony - YouTube:
best song on all elements
worthwhile if you fancy watching the whole lot, much better than all the useless reality show!!
Potential best contribution to conference sector by the Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony for the wider conference world (if they dare) is Miss Sweetie Poo!!:
thanks for @HarryDavies 's tweet, as I would not have found this!
best song on all elements
worthwhile if you fancy watching the whole lot, much better than all the useless reality show!!
Potential best contribution to conference sector by the Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony for the wider conference world (if they dare) is Miss Sweetie Poo!!:
thanks for @HarryDavies 's tweet, as I would not have found this!
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Touching! Must watch Chinese short nature documentary "Lost" filmed over 5yrs in 12mins 《迷失的家园》—纪录片
Touching! Must watch Chinese short nature documentary "Lost" filmed over 5yrs in 12mins 《迷失的家园》—纪录片 | ||
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Short blog re we need a challenge between the Billionaires!? Pierre Omidyar, Steve Case And Mike Milken On The Business Case For Impact Investing - Forbes
Pierre Omidyar, Steve Case And Mike Milken On The Business Case For Impact Investing - Forbes:
Brilliant work indeed, and also the giving pledge,
this might be a stupid question, surely if all the billionaires work together on a few big issues, the impact would surely be even greater, right?? why let each decide in their leisure and most likely without urgency!?
IMHO seems like this is opportunity lost, as turning up for events and charity fund raising is much easier.. lets do a "solution pledge' for the second phase!?? we really need solution for Food, water, MRSA & world financial market..etc.
We have a challenge of lack of "intelligent giving" at present sadly.. see @Quora question Charities: How best to do "intelligent giving"?
What do you think? we need a challenge between the Billionaires!?
Brilliant work indeed, and also the giving pledge,
this might be a stupid question, surely if all the billionaires work together on a few big issues, the impact would surely be even greater, right?? why let each decide in their leisure and most likely without urgency!?
IMHO seems like this is opportunity lost, as turning up for events and charity fund raising is much easier.. lets do a "solution pledge' for the second phase!?? we really need solution for Food, water, MRSA & world financial market..etc.
We have a challenge of lack of "intelligent giving" at present sadly.. see @Quora question Charities: How best to do "intelligent giving"?
What do you think? we need a challenge between the Billionaires!?
Friday, 24 May 2013
My blog re how to challenge the offshore UHNWs to creat community of "intelligent capital" for europe? re Hipsters Flocking to Silicon Roundabout as Bankers Fade - Bloomberg
Must read article:
Hipsters Flocking to Silicon Roundabout as Bankers Fade - Bloomberg:

Great event, great insights shared+, great people on and off panel.. really hope the panel discussion video can be shared. (some pictures I took: #WhiteFlat Buzz panel at Bloomberg 19May13 )
Hipsters Flocking to Silicon Roundabout as Bankers Fade - Bloomberg:
Great event, great insights shared+, great people on and off panel.. really hope the panel discussion video can be shared. (some pictures I took: #WhiteFlat Buzz panel at Bloomberg 19May13 )
Brilliant to have such vibrant & exciting ecosystem/community success so far in the last few years, and well on our way to address "density of network" issue.. (mentioned often by Eze, quoting Reid hoffman)
One of the key challenge as highlighted by Jeremy was that there is not yet many major billion pounds exit yet (IMHO, that is only one measure and most don't end well except for founders & selected early investors, look at Autonomy furore, Bebo that just gone bankrupted after further sell off.. who is to say Skype has done better!?)
Hopefully in 2013, we will have more startups with "to be proven sustainable business model" in mind rather than short term eyeball gains and exits to bigger player as ultimate goals, Groupon? (some might argue that is the reason why we have no major Internet Tech firms from Europe yet)
some of the panel mentioned that the Major problem the ecosystem faced with now is apparently lack of startup with real ambition and lack of decent follow on funding (range of US$500k+ was mentioned) (need verification of the video, sadly I didn't take notes!)
As I asked during the event, it would be great if panel & others can attempt to address "quality of and competitions between investors" challenge.. (hopefully they are also intelligent also)
IMHO, knowing quite a few of the top investors and many of the well heeled exited and now offshore UHNWs (tax wise, non dom), quite a few of them are still active in business/deals but sadly they are not as 'hungry' any more (can't blame them! & not talking about career fund managers/VCs) and nor they have or need to be under any 'social proof' pressure, as the offshore /anonymity offered by jurisdictions means most are surrounding themselves with yes-men or people wanting their time/resources (& friends/colleagues they trusted) and rarely they see many peers that are much more successful than them (well, it is intrinsically impossible, because they are offshore! they might meet them in local functions but people don't mingle, like at private members club, unless you own the club of course)..
Further complex the issue is that most UHNWs are in the "linkedOUT" phase and most prefer anonymity, hence you may have noticed that its same tens of 'big names' guys in the same conferences all over europe.. etc. where in fact many other top UHNWs guys who might be richer but are less active.
my off the cuff suggestion then was for UK policy maker to consider creating a "density of network" between such off-shored and well heeled potential investors/typically exited mid-cap entrepreneurs/UHNWs (to meet on or offshore 1/2days per year with each other & pre-qualified entrepreneurs with decent firms/ideas). this should ensure some social proof between the exited successful potential investors so they can see behind close door how some others are doing better from other sectors (very much like in Silicon Valley), this should provide some competitive incentives for the newly formed UHNWs to invest time to meet/listen and thus maybe more likely to take some risk and invest in the next Apple of UK/Europe??
In return, maybe government can give them few more days to visit friends & family on shore if they have invested based on certain criteria? that might also promote further bragging rights (e.g. how many extra days they get this year..) the real scale and effect might be much greater than 100s of EIS/SEIS combined!? (have no numbers nor resources to research, please do tell me if I am wrong, keen to learn more!)
Another issue is that the supply of quality entrepreneurs also need to be addressed (not most of the dragons den type but serious well thought out guys please), .. hopefully with intelligent/prequalified capital we will also have intelligent/pre-qualified entrepreneurs... I hope this all make sense, but probably I have written away my invitation now! ;-) maybe some food for thought?
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