Monday 10 August 2009

My comments No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users -

No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users -

It is a great tradition.. which I am finding difficult to spot in UK/London.. as over here, not only do you have to pay higher price for the coffee, invariably, there wifi is available but at extra cost and provider is usually not the coffee shop themsevles.

Therefore, I don't foresee the likely challenge above here in UK anytime yet.

However, surely, the coffee shop's business is in coffee and not to have idle notebook users sipping the even 3/4 uk pounds coffee for hours?

They need to change and think of what extra products/services that might fit into the local culture.

I for one would be happy to 'pay' for shorter time wifi access, if the shopkeeper 'knows' the details.. and maybe able to assist me connecting. or maybe 3min introduction to the local historical spots to visit for example (free or even fee based)..


but then again, what do I know about the coffee business.


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